This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

DUNE HWDB Training

Introduction to DUNE HWDB Training site


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • No privilage is required.

  • What is this website?

  • Introduce instructors and mentors.

  • Provide overview of this training site.

What is this website for?

The DUNE Hardware Database (HWDB) stores all the information related to a piece of DUNE hardware. It is foreseen as the primary archive of hardware related data. This web site trains you so that you can communicate (read & write) with the HWDB with ease. Towards the end of the trainings (the 6th and the 7th sessions) we also introduce two apps that would help users in communicating with the HWDB as well.

Structure of the training site

It composes of 8 main sessions.

Session Description
1. Intro. to DUNE HWDB Training site This page.
2. HWDB Conceptual Overview and the DUNE PID It goes over briefly a history of Hardware Database, conceptual overview, and introduce the definiton of the DUNE Parts Identifier (PID), a concept of PID hierarchy, and the three privileges of user account
3. Setting up Component Types and Test Types Goes through the PID hierarchy with the WEB UI. Then teaches you how to define Component and Test Types, which must be done before inserting actual data to the database. User Roles are also introduced, which restrict which users could edit/create what Types. It goes through these how-tos with both the WEB-UI and the REST API.
4. Data Management using WEB UI Teaches you how to POST/PATCH/GET Items, sub-components, Locations of Items, Tests, as well as images, including bar/QR-codes, through the WEB-UI method. Also provides some examples of how one could perform searches for Items and Tests.
5. Data Management using REST API Teaches the identical materials to the 4th session above, but through the REST API method.
6. Using the iPad App Introduces the iPad app, its requirements, how to obtain it. Shows how easily one could go through the PID hierarchy, scan/generate/print QR-codes, while dealing with information of individual Item Locations.
7. Using the Python HWDB Upload Tool Introduces the Python-based app, its requirements, how to obtain it. Shows how easily one could upload massive data to the database, even with some complicated DB schema.
8. Inserting Component Types This page is only for users with the Architect privilege. Describes how to newly create Component Types in the database.

The 2nd DUNE HWDB Tutorials

The 2nd HWDB tutorials will be held in June XX and YY. For more details, see HWDB Tutorials. The tutorials are based on what this training site describes.

Key Points

  • This training site is brought to you by the DUNE Computing Consortium.

  • The goals are to give you the computing basis to communicate with the DUNE Hardware Database.

HWDB Conceptual Overview and the DUNE PID


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • No privilage is required.

  • What is the HWDB?

  • What are its essential components?

  • The defintion of the DUNE Parts Identifier (PID)

  • To go over the overview of the DUNE HWDB

  • To understand the syntax of the DUNE Parts Identifier


Hardware DB Conceptual Overview  
Hardware DB, A Bit of History  
DUNE Expands the Requirements  
Hardware Database for DUNE  
Accessing the System  
Dealing with HWDB data via Parts Identifiers  
Project Identifier (required)  
System Identifier (required)  
Subsystem Identifier (required)  
Component Type Identifier (required)  
Item Number (required)  
Country of Origin (required)  
Responsible Institution ID (required)  
Important Reminder  
PID hierarchy  
User Privileges  

Hardware DB Conceptual Overview

Hardware DB, A Bit of History


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DUNE Expands the Requirements


DUNE requires a very large set of discrete types of items to be tracked making creating individual tables for each item extremely difficult. Well, impossible.

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Hardware Database for DUNE

Hardware Database supports the complete life cycle of each item in the DB for the experiment as a whole.

The figure shows a simplified view of the DUNE HWDB schema (sorry for the fuzziness). For more details, please refer to: DBSchema

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Accessing the System

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Dealing with HWDB data via Parts Identifiers

Every entry in the DUNE HWDB is associated with a Parts Identifier (PID), which is uniquely defined and assigned by the HWDB, according to DUNE specifications (LBNF/DUNE Parts Identifier: EDMS 2505353). Thus PID allows a user to retrieve and sort the all entries there.

Each entry can be also linked to other entries through PIDs. This provides a concept of PID hierarchy, such as a relation between a parent hardware component and daughter components. E.g., for a given shipping crate PID, one could retrieve its contents as PIDs of the components insides are linked to the shipping crate PID. Or one could have a PID that corresponds to the entire HVS, which is linked to PIDs of CPA+FC+EW modules. And one of those PIDs is then linked to a CPA Plane and so on.. eventually could link down to a raw CPA part.

We’ll start to describe how the DUNE PID is defined below.

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The Parts Identifier (PID) is a 32-characters alphanumeric string that is used to uniquely identify all the LBNF and DUNE components that are used during the construction of the LBNF facility (including both the far site at the Sanford Underground Research Facility – SURF and the near site at Fermilab) and of all the corresponding detectors. The parts identifier forms a unique identifier for that part in the hardware database. Each part which has important information associated with it must have a parts identifier assigned so the data can be archived in the hardware database. The parts identifier is used for all equipment bar codes, QR codes, tags and other systems of identification. The PID is composed of 10 fields, of which 7 are required. More information about PIDs can be found under LBNF/DUNE Parts Identifier: EDMS 2505353.


The following is an example of a PID.

      D     = DUNE
      005   = FD1-HD HVS
      020   = CPA
      01200 = DUNE Shipping Crate
      00050 = the 50th item (crate)
      US    = United States
      125   = Argonne National Laboratory

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Project Identifier (required)

The project identifier is a single character in the range A-Z representing the major divisions in the DUNE/LBNF enterprise. The designations are as follows:

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System Identifier (required)

The system identifier is a three-digit (001-999) number representing the major subdivisions in responsibility for LBNF/DUNE. In general, each detector consortium is assigned a separate system identifier and the consortium is then assigned the responsibility of defining the sub-systems and components under their authority.

Click to expand table
System ID Description
0 Invalid
1 FD1-HD Complete Detector
2 FD1-HD Instrumented Anode Plane (with Elec and photon Det.)
3 FD1-HD Anode Plane Assemblies (bare wire planes)
4 FD1-HD Photon Detection System
6 FD1-HD Calibration
51 FD2-VD Complete Detector
52 FD2-VD Instrumented Top Charge Readout Planes (CRP) (inc. Elect)
53 FD2-VD Instrumented Bottom Charge Readout Planes (CRP) (inc, Elect)
54 FD2-VD Instrumented Cathode Plane (inc. PD)
55 FD2-VD Top Charge Readout Planes (CRP)
56 FD2-VD Bottom Charge Readout Planes (CRP)
57 FD2-VD Top Vertical Drift CRP Electronics
58 FD2-VD Photon Detector
59 FD2-VD Calibration
80 FD-2-VD HV
81 FD1-HD TPC Elec. and FD2-VD Bottom Elec.
83 FD Slow Control
84 FD Cryogenic Instrumentation
85 FD Integration
86 FD Installation
100 ND: Near detector complex
101 ND: Liquid Argon Near Detection
102 ND: TMS
103 ND: Beam Monitor - SAND
104 ND: DAQ
105 ND: Slow Controls
106 ND: Prism Infrastructure
107 ND: Integration
108 ND: Installation
200 FS: Safety
201 FS: BSI
220 NS: Safety
221 NS: BSI
300 FS: Cryogenics
321 NS: Cryogenics
400 FS: Networking
421 NS: Networking
500 Computing
600 FD Cryostat
621 ND Cryostat
900 ProtoDUNE-Il complete detector
901 FD2-VD Module-0 complete detector

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Subsystem Identifier (required)

The subsystem ID is a three-digit number (001-999) defined by the consortium or responsible group. Its purpose is to allow the consortia to separate the major components under their responsibility into subsystems.

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Component Type Identifier (required)

The component Type ID is a 5-digit number (00001-99999) used to identify the specific parts in a subsystem. Together with the subsystem ID the component Type ID defines the part inside the consortium scope.

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Item Number (required)

The item number is a five-digit number used to specify the exact part in a series and is assigned by the HWDB. It serves the typical role of the serial number in commercial fabrication. Five digits was chosen as the vast majority of components will have less than 100,000 units fabricated. In the handful of situations where this is not the case, different Component Type IDs will be needed for batches.

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Country of Origin (required)

The country of origin is a two-character string representing the country responsible for fabricating the part or assembling the sub-components into the assembly (AA-ZZ). The country codes are specified according to the ISO3166 standard (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). The list of active countries in the DUNE collaboration are as follows:

Country Code Country Code Country Code Country Code
Armenia AM Madagascar MG Brazil BR Mexico MX
Canada CA Netherlands NL CERN CH Paraguay PY
Chile CL Peru PE China CN Poland PL
Colombia CO Portugal PT Czech Republic CZ Romania RO
Finland FI Russia RU France FR Spain ES
Georgia GE Sweden SE Germany DE Switzerland CH
Greece GR Turkey TR India IN Ukraine UA
Iran IR United Kingdom GB Italy IT USA US
Japan JP Korea, South KR        

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Responsible Institution ID (required)

The responsible institution ID is a three-digit number (001-999) representing the institution inside LBNF/DUNE responsible for the part or assembly. The responsible institution is the last of the immutable fields making both the country and institution required information before a part number can be assigned to a given part. The range 001-500 are reserved for the DUNE collaboration institutions. 000 is an illegal value.

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Important Reminder

When a PID is assigned, then the corresponding drawing should be associated (stored) with it. This will allow workers in the field to verify that the correct parts were used in the assemblies and installation. If/when a part is to be handled, transported, or assembled into other systems by other group, it must be marked with the PID.This will allow the workers to look up the relevant procedures, drawings, QC steps, and safety info at the installation location. Every shipment (box, crate) must be assigned with a PID. This is crucial in to be able to track the latest locations of parts and the number of parts at certain locations.

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PID hierarchy

As you will see in the next session, there is a list of Projects in the HWDB. For a given Project, there is a list of System IDs. And then for a given System ID, there is a list of Subsystem IDs. For a given Subsystem ID, there is a list of Component Type IDs. Finally for a given Component Type ID, there is a list of Items. These form the PID hierarchy and you will learn how to go up and down through these lists in the next session.

Obviously, if a Component Type doesn’t exist, you can’t have the corresponding Items. Similarly, if a Subsystem is not there, there is no way to create the corresponding Component Type. All of these, except Items, need to be created and well defined before a user starts to enter data.

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User Privileges

The list of Projects and the list of System IDs have been already created in the HWDB by default. However one needs to define the rest, depending on needs of individual consortium. And not all users are allowed to do such tasks.

There are 3 types of privileges in the HWDB: active, administrator, and architect.

  1. In general, all users of the HWDB should be active. They are allowed to read and input data.
  2. Users with administrator privileges can update Component Types, but not allowed to create them.
  3. Architects can create Subsystems and Component Types.

Among these privileges, administrator and Architects should be assigned to the liaisons from each consortia who are listed here. These liaisons should determine and create necessary Subsystem IDs and Component Types for their own consortia and then provide proper definitions to each of the created Component Types. Please refer to the 8th session on how to create Component Types. In the next session, we will go through how to define Component Types in detail.

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Key Points

  • Component Types, Items, and PartIDs.

  • Every item must have a PartID attached via a bar/QR-coded label.

  • A PartID is a unique identifier defined according to the DUNE specifications.

Setting up Component Types and Test Types


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Administrator privilage is required.

  • How do I define a Component Type and a Test Type with the WEB UI?

  • How about through the REST API?

  • Users should be able to setup both Component Types and Test Types so that they would be ready to enter actual data.

  • In setting up a Component Type, users should be also able to define lists of Roles, Manufacturers, and Connectors (Type IDs of sub-components).


Tasks for Administrators and very simplified DB schema  
Very simplified DB schema  
Going through the hierarchy of IDs List of Projects, Systems, Subsystems, and Component Types
Defining a Component Type Definition of a Component Type
  Managed by Permissions of editing a Component Type definition
  Manufacturers List of Manufacturers, creating and editing
  Specifications DB schema for a Component Type
  Connectors where sub-Component Types are defined
  SPEC LOG History of Specifications
Defining a Test Type Definition of a Test Type
Going through the hierarchy of IDs with the REST API List of Projects, Systems, Subsystems, and Component Types
  GET a list of Projects GET /projects
  GET lists of Systems, Subsystems, and Component Types GET /systems, /subsystems, and /component-types
Defining a Component Type with the REST API PATCH & GET /component-types/<type_id>
Defining a Test Type with the REST API POST & GET /component-types/<type_id>/test-types
Some other useful endpoints List of some useful REST API endpoints

Tasks for Administrators and very simplified DB schema

We now know how a PID is formed and there are three types of user privileges. One of the privileges, Administrator, allows to edit Component Types. In this session, we will go through what Administrators need to do before active users can start to enter data.

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While editing a Component Type, Administrator can also define sub-component Types. A sub-component is a component (Item) that is linked to another component (Item). This is a very powerful functionality, allowing user to trace various related Items for a given single PID. We will show how this is done later in this session.

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For a given Item, there is a place to store Test results. Actually it doesn’t have to be a Test result.One could store there anything that is associated with that Item. It is Administrator’s job to create/define Test Types for each of your Component Types. And for a given Component Type, one could create multiple Test Types. Again we will go over how this is done later in this session.

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Very simplified DB schema

The picture below shows a very simplified DB schema, in which one can see that Administrators define Component Types, Sub-component Types, and Test Types, while ordinary (active) users enter data and Test data.


For the remaining of this session, we will go through how Administrators achieve these tasks in two different ways:

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One can access to the two versions of the HWDB from these addresses.We will use the development version in this session.

Production version :

Development version:

Go ahead to log into the development version. Once logged in, you should be seeing the opening page like below:

HWDB Opening

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Going through the hierarchy of IDs

In the previous session, we introduced a several different types of IDs: Project, System ID, Subsystem ID, and Component Type ID. With the WEB UI, one can go down (and up) such hierarchy of IDs easily. Click Admin in the side-menu. It will show a sub-menu as shown here. One can select any of the three, Projects, Systems, or Subsystems to get into each of these lists. sub menu list

Let’s start with the root by clicking Projects in the above sub-menu. You should be seeing a list of currently available Projects in the HWDB like this:

Project list

Now let’s click the folder in the DUNE row & Systems column. This will show a list of Systems (individual System names along with System IDs) that correspond to the DUNE project as shown below:

System list

Similarly let’s display a list of Subsystems of the System, FD2-VD HVS by clicking its folder icon. You should be seeing a Subsystem list like shown below:

Subsystem list

By the way, in these lists we have seen so far (currently Subsystems), one can also click individual name (i.e., Subsystem name) to see the corresponding definition. We’ll come back to this shortly.

Now let’s pick a Subsystem, Field Cage Spacer Bar and see a list of its Component Types by clicking its folder. You should be seeing a list of Component Types shown below:

CompType list

Four Component Types for Field Cage Spacer Bar are seen. In this list one can click the ITEMS or Test Types columns to see a list of the corresponding Items or Test Types, if it exists, respectively.

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Defining a Component Type

Now that we can go through the hierarchy of existing IDs, let’s edit one of the existing Component Types.Pick one that you like to modify. As an example, we’ll modify the Component Type, CPA Parts FR4 bottom frame (type id = Z00100100017) here.

First, let’s find the Component Type. From the side menu, click Component Types and then click FILTER…. In the Apply filters window, you can provide the corresponding type id to the Part_type field, if you already know the type id you are looking for. You could also provide a part of the Component Type name, like FR4_BOTTOM to Name field as shown below. It is case-insensitive here. Now hit the SEARCH button. Comp Filters

After filtering the Component Type list, you should be seeing the type you were looking for. Clicking its TYPE NAME should display its definition as shown below: Comp Filters

Some of the fields are in gray, indicating that you are not allowed to edit them, such asType Name, Type ID, Full Name, Part Type ID, Created, and Created by… etc. Here Full Name is a name that combines the all id names together:

We’ll now go through the rest of the fields/button now: Managed by, Manufacturers, Specifications, Connectors, and SPECS LOG.

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Managed by (a required field)

In Managed by field, we provide a specific Role or Roles which behaves as an access restriction to this particular Component Type. That is, by providing a specific Role, only users who are assigned to that specific Role are allowed to create/edit the corresponding Items.

Where can we see a list of available Roles and how can we create a new one?

Again, from the side-menu, click Admin and then Roles. You should see a list of existing Roles like shown here:

Role list

Only users with the Administrator privilege can create a new Role by clicking ADD NEW….

Similarly one can find out what Roles each user has been assigned to. Clicking Admin from the side-menu and then go to Users. This shows a list of the all available users. Clicking full_name shows information of the individual user like shown here in which one can see what Role(s) the user has been assigned to: Each user info back to top

Manufacturers (an optional field)

Just like Roles, we assign Manufacture(s) from its available list. The list can be reached by going to Manufactures from the side-menu. Again only Administrators can edit the list. Manufacturers list back to top

Specifications (a required field)

Let’s now fill the field, Datasheet under Specifications. This is probably the most important field in defining a Component Type definition.

Users may provide information in Specifications of an Item, that uniquely identifies each of the corresponding Items. Database schema for Specifications can be provided by YAML, a human-friendly data serialization language for all programming languages. It has typically a form of;

Key : Value

Value could be numbers, strings, null, list, array, or even an empty array. For instance, if you define a Specifications like the following;

 Parts ID: -1
 Frame Name: Bottom Support Bar
 Drawing Number: DFD-20-A601
 Number Ordered: -1
 Number Received: -1

then when you create an Item (in the next session) you will have boxes that are filled with their initial valies as shown below: Comp Spec

You could also provide an empty array, like [ ]. In this case, you could provide data for this array in any scheme, which might sometimes be useful.

You could also provide options like the following;

 AR: []
  - T1
  - T2
 Size: null
 Type: null

so that when you create a new Item, it will let you select predefined optional values as shown below: Comp Spec Selectable Option


Can yo provide a Specifications that has nested Keys?

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Connectors (an optional field)

In the Connectors section, one can provide Type IDs of sub-Components, defining relations among different Component Types. For instance,

  an assembly is a Component Type that is constructed from other sub-Component Types.

E.g., A Component Type, CPA Plane, is made of a pair of sub-Component Types, CPA Panels. By the way, from the view of one of the sub0Component Types, the current Component Type you are editing would be then its parent Component Type, forming a hierarchical structure : Parent Component Type ⟷ Current Component Type ⟷ sub-Component Type(s).

Suppose, we have 3 Component Types: Front Axle, Left Wheel, and Right Wheel. And let’s just that Front Axle is made of two sub-Component Types, Left and Right Wheels.

Furthermore, Type IDs for these 3 Types are:

Now let’s start to define Type IDs of these two sub-Components. Again, we want Left & Right Wheels to be sub-Components of Frot Axle. Go to the Component Type definition page of Front Axle and find the Connectors section at the bottom.

To add a new sub-Component Type ID, click + icon. It will ask you to fill out two empty boxes in a single row. In the first one, provide a functional position name. This name needs to be unique within this Component Type, such as ASIC-001, SMB00008-S13360.. etc. For us, let’s call this 1st sub-Component as My L Wheel.

For the 2nd empty box, you need to provide the actual existing Component Type name. Entring 2 characters would trigger the HWDB to look for and display them for you, as can be seen below (be careful that the entered characters here are case-sensitive): sub comp func name Pick the Left Wheel there.

Next, click the + icon again and setup similarly for the Right Wheel. And once you are done with the two Types, click SAVE. The HWDB then converts the two provided sub-Component Type names to the corresponding Type IDs as shown below: sub comp saving


Once you define these sub-Component Types and start to actually use them (i.e., linking existing Items as sub-Components; we will do this in the next session), you will not be allowed to delete or edit those existing sub-Component Types. Else there could be inconsistencies between modified (updated) Component Type definitions and pre-existing Items that are linked.

Because of this, the sub-Component Type definition will be frozen once the corresponding Item(s) is linked as shown below: sub comp frozen

Nevertheless, you are still allowed to add new sub-Component Types by clicking the + icon.

If you absolutely need to delete or edite the existing sub-Component Type definition(s), you can do so once you undo (delete) the all existing sub-Component links in the corresponding Items.

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In a typical Component Type definition page, there is a tab-button, SPECS LOG at the top. Clicking it will take you to a page, where you can see a history of modifications on that Component Type Specifications. This could be useful not only when you need to look at the historical changes, but if you need to roll-back your Specifications definition. specs log

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Defining a Test Type

Now let’s define a Test Type, which essentially defines the DB schema for the data you store at the HWDB, such as QC test results. Also remember that we could have multiple Test Types for a given Component Type.

The procedure is very much similar to what we have done to define a Component Type. Let us employ the Component Type, CPA_Parts_FR4_bottom, as an example again. To find that Component Type, select Component Types from the side-menu, then click FILTER…. In the pop-up window, Apply filters, provide “CPA_Parts_FR4_bottom” in the Name field and hist SEARCH. Click the folder in the Test Types column. You should be seeing a list of available Test Types for this Component Type as shown below: test type list

Click ADD NEW… to create a new Test Type definition. This will bring a screen like the one below. You must provide a Test Type name, which needs to be unique within its Component Type. Again, its Specifications should be provided in YAML. Once you are done, don’t forget to hit SAVE. test type def

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Let’s try everything we have done so far in this session through the REST API of the HWDB. We will extensively employ the alias and the variable, APIPATH, that we defined in Setup. Just to remind what they were:

 alias CURL='curl --cert-type P12 --cert usercred.p12:PassWord'
 export APIPATH=''

Notice that the APIPATH points to both the version v1 of the API and the development version (cdbdev). If you like to access to the production version, it should be cdb, instead of cdbdev.

Please also be aware that, while we will cover API endpoints that are essential in this session, we will not cover the all available endpoints. For a complete list of endpoints, please refer to the online documentation Redoc as well as the Swagger site in which users can try the REST API endpoints interactively.

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Going through the hierarchy of IDs with the REST API

With the API, it is easy to obtain lists of available Projects, Systems, Subsystems, and Component Types.

GET a list of Projects

The endpoint to get a list of Projects is simply /projects as shown below.

CURL "${APIPATH}/projects" | jq

And here is the response in JSON. As can be seen, two projects current exist in the HWDB.

  "data": [
      "comments": null,
      "created": "2021-10-28T10:14:44.215630-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Vladimir Podstavkov",
        "username": "podstvkv"
      "id": "a",
      "name": "Dummy a"
      "comments": "Includes approved far detector modules and near detectors",
      "created": "2022-01-31T16:12:30.338331-06:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Vladimir Podstavkov",
        "username": "podstvkv"
      "id": "D",
      "name": "DUNE"
      "comments": "Test project",
      "created": "2022-01-28T16:22:22.319197-06:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Vladimir Podstavkov",
        "username": "podstvkv"
      "id": "Z",
      "name": "Sandbox"
  "link": {
    "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/projects",
    "rel": "self"
  "status": "OK"

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GET lists of Systems, Subsystems, and Component Types

Similarly one can easily get lists of Systems, Subsystems, and Component Types with the following endpoints:

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GET lists of Systems, Subsystems, and Component Types for the following cases:

  • Obtain a list of Systems for project_id = D
  • Obtain a list of Subsystems for project_id = D and system_id = 005
  • Obtain a list of Component Types for project_id = D, system_id = 005, and subsystem_id = 20

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Defining a Component Type with the REST API

Now let’s define a Component Type. Let’s take the Front Axle (Type ID = Z00100400005) as an example.

The endpoint we need in this case is /component-types/<type_id> Or the actual command-line would look like the following:

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d @Patch_CompType.json "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100400005" | jq


Now let’s GET the Component Type we just patched. The endpoint we need is still the same, /component-types/<type_id>. The actual command-line is like this:

CURL "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100400005" | jq

And its response is long, but we show it below for completes.

  "data": {
    "category": "generic",
    "comments": "Setting up this Type",
    "connectors": {
      "My L Wheel": "Z00100400007",
      "My R Wheel": "Z00100400008"
    "created": "2024-03-11T04:59:48.503848-05:00",
    "creator": {
      "id": 12624,
      "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
      "username": "hajime3"
    "full_name": "Z.Sandbox.Tutorials.Front Axle",
    "id": 1058,
    "manufacturers": [
        "id": 7,
        "name": "Hajime Inc"
        "id": 27,
        "name": "CERN"
    "part_type_id": "Z00100400005",
    "properties": {
      "specifications": [
          "created": "2024-03-11 05:00:22-05:00",
          "creator": "Hajime Muramatsu",
          "datasheet": {
            "First name": "Hajime",
            "Last name": "Muramatsu"
          "version": 6
    "roles": [
        "id": 3,
        "name": "type-manager"
        "id": 4,
        "name": "tester"
    "subsystem": {
      "id": 263,
      "name": "Tutorials"
  "link": {
    "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100400005?history=False",
    "rel": "self"
  "methods": [
      "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100400005/components",
      "rel": "Components"
      "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100400005/test-types",
      "rel": "Test Types"
      "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100400005/connectors",
      "rel": "Connectors description"
      "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100400005/specifications",
      "rel": "Type specs"
      "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100400005/images",
      "rel": "Images"
      "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100400005/bulk-add",
      "rel": "Bulk Add"
  "status": "OK"

Inside of the data blob, we see;

There are other blobs:

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Defining a Test Type with the REST API

In a similar manner we can define a new Test Type. The endpoint we need in this case is /component-types/<type_id>/test-types. And again the actual command-line would look like the following:

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @Post_TestType.json "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100100046/test-types" | jq

We are posting a new Test Type here. The contents of Post_TestType.json file are shown below:

    "component_type": {
        "part_type_id": "Z00100100046"
    "name": "Test_Parts_3_TestType_10",
    "comments": "Testing...",
    "specifications": {
        "Cleaned": 0,
        "Template": 0,
        "Visual": 0

You must provide:

Let’s GET a list of the available Test Types for this Component Type, Z00100100046 with the following command-line.

CURL "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100100046/test-types" | jq

Its response is shown below. It is long, so we are not showing the entire response here.

  "component_type": {
    "name": "Test_Parts_3",
    "part_type_id": "Z00100100046"
  "data": [
      "comments": "Testing...",
      "created": "2022-04-22T15:49:13.519104-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "id": 223,
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-test-types/223",
        "rel": "self"
      "name": "Test_Parts_3_TestType_3"
      "comments": "Testing...",
      "created": "2022-04-22T15:07:07.456921-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "id": 218,
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-test-types/218",
        "rel": "self"
      "name": "Test_Parts_3_TestType_2"
      "comments": "",
      "created": "2022-04-19T10:17:00.887976-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "id": 217,
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-test-types/217",
        "rel": "self"
      "name": "Test_Parts_3_TestType"
  "link": {
    "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100100046/test-types",
    "rel": "self"
  "status": "OK"

Three Test Types are seen, Test_Parts_3_TestType, Test_Parts_3_TestType_2, and Test_Parts_3_TestType_3.

back to top

Some other useful endpoints

There are some useful ones that you could easily try out:

back to top

Useful links to bookmark

Key Points

  • Two ways to communicate with the DUNE HWDB, with the WEB UI and the REST API.

Data Management using WEB UI


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Active user privilage is required.

  • How do I enter and retrieve Items with the WEB UI?

  • How do I perform searches over Items/Tests with the WEB UI?

  • To understand how one can POST and GET information of Item(s).

  • To understand how sub-component links could be made.

  • To understand how one can POST and GET information of Tests and images.

  • To be able to perform searches over Items and Tests.


Component Types  
Preparing Items to be Added  
Adding Item(s)  
  Adding Single Item  
  Bulk Adding Items  
  Adding Subcomponents  
  Adding Tests  
  Adding Images  
More Item Operations  
Item Filtering Searching for Items based on chosen Filters
Syntax Syntax in Filter fields
Filtering with Specifications Filtering via the Specifications field
Filtering with Test Data Filtering via the Test Data field

This tutorial will walk you through using the Web UI for the Hardware Database.

The development version of the HWDB can be accessed via

The production version of the HWDB can be accessed via

Accessing Component Types

Note: Adding component types requires the user to have “Architect” priveleges for the HWDB. This is covered by the previous tutorial, “Setting up Component Types and Test Types.” This tutorial assumes that component types being managed already exist in the HWDB, and the user has been added to the appropriate Roles defined for that component type.

Let’s try accessing a component type from the previous tutorial: “Z.Sandbox.Tutorials.Front Axle”:


The component types are displayed in list view. This provides a variety of options as seen below. In particular you may access the Component Type definition, the Test Types, and the list of Items of that component type.

Click on the red boxes in the image below for more information.


Let’s take a look at “Front Axle.”

We can see in the image below that the Specifications Datasheet contains two fields: “Last Name” and “First Name”. These have been given default values of “Muramatsu” and “Hajime”. (If you wish to have no default values, you may use the value “null”.

We also see that the component type has two subcomponents (“connectors”): “My L Wheel” and “My R Wheel”, each of which has been assigned a Part Type ID.


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Adding Item(s)

Now that we’ve examined the component type, let’s add some items!


back to top

Adding Single Item

To add a single item:


back to top

Bulk Adding Items

Bulk Adding allows you to add a number of items simultaneously. This is handy if you have a number of Items you wish to reserve Part IDs for, but you’re not ready to enter all the information for those Items yet.

To bulk add items:


back to top

Adding Subcomponents

Suppose we wish to add subcomponents to the previously added item Z00100400005-00030. Since this item has component type “Front Axle”, the component type definition requires that the subcomponents be of component type “Left Wheel” and “Right Wheel”. Suppose we have added items for both of these types, and their Part IDs are Z00100400007-00013 and Z00100400008-00014. Both of these items must have their status set to “Available.”

To add these subcomponents:


back to top

Adding Test Types & Tests

Suppose we want to add a new test type for “Front Axle” named “Bounce Test.” To do this, perform the following steps:


You may now add test instances for your new test:



back to top

Adding Images

In order to add an image to a selected item, click on “Images” on the top item menu (see More Item Operations for more) which will present you with something that looks like the following.


You can also add images to specific tests associated with items. Suppose we wish to add an image to the bounce test we added to Z00100400005-00030. Then navigate to the particular item and go to its “Test Log” which produces the following which allows you to add an image in the same way as shown above.


You can also add an image immediately after the additon of a new test, as it gives you the option to do so.

Images are attached to that test result record ONLY. If you “edit” a test, the images you have attached will not carry forward. You will need to decide whether you should re-attach all images every time you update a test record, or regard all images in the historical sequence to be “current.” The author of this presentation has no strong opinion at the time this was written.

back to top

More Item Operations

Once an Item has been created, you are provided with more operations as shown below.


back to top

Item Filtering

You can search for Items (Components) based on the usual fields such as Component_type, Part_id, Serial_number, and Creator. In addition, you can filter by the fields as shown below.

You can filter by status: any, available, temporarily not available, permanantly not available. status filter

You can also filter by Location, Manufacturer, and Country of Origin. Each of which are case insensitive and need not be completely spelled out. location,Manufac,Country filter

A more advanced discussion of filtering requires use of specific syntax.


There is certain syntax that can be used when you are refining your search using filter fields. The following symbols can be utilized with numbers in filter fields.

symbol definition
== equal to
!= not equal to
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to

The following symbols can be utilized with strings and substrings in filter fields.

symbol definition
== equal to
!= not equal to
~ case sensitive regex search
~* case insensitive regex search

back to top

Filtering with Specifications

You can also filter based on item Specifications. Suppose there exists an item with the following specifictations:

    "Documentation": ""
    "SiPM_Strip_ID": 4548
    "Test_Box_ID": "Mib3"
    "Tray_Number": 20
    "Vendor_box_Number": 14,
    "Vendor_Delivery_ID": "HPK_Ciemat_03"

Then you can apply the following filters to search the item. The syntax used in the filtering field is explained in depth in the following section. Spec filter

Consider an item with the following Specifications.

    "Vendor_Delivery_ID": "HPK_Ciemat_03"
    "DATA": {
      "Drawing Number": "DFD-21-2101",
      "Label Code": "12345",
      "Name": "Main I-Beam"


all return this item (as well as others if possible). However,

would not return any item as ~ is case sensitive.

back to top

Filtering with Test Data

You can also filter using Test_data in the same way as Specifications. Suppose you have an item with the following test data:

  "Test Results": [
      "Location": "Minnesota",
      "Operator": "Scientist Red"; "Scientist Blue",


all return the intended item.

back to top

Key Points

  • Subcomponent links can only be made with Items, whose status = “available”.

Data Management using REST API


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Active user privilage is required.

  • How do I enter and retrieve Items with the REST API?

  • How do I perform searches over Items/Tests with the REST API?

  • To understand how one can POST and GET information of Item(s).

  • To understand how sub-component links could be made.

  • To understand how one can POST and GET information of Tests and images.

  • To be able to perform searches over Items and Tests.


GET Item  
GET List of Items  
GET Test Types  
GET Test Results  
GET Location of Item  
GET QR/Barcode  
GET Images  
POST Item  
POST Multiple Items  
POST Test Types  
POST Test Results  
POST New Location  
POST Images  
  POST Images for Component Type  
  POST Images for Item  
  POST Images for Test  
Item Filtering Get via specifications and test data
Dealing with Status  
Linking Subcomponents  
  PATCH to Link  
  PATCH to Clear  
GET Subcomponent  
GET Parent-Component  

In order to interface with the REST API we will use the following command line often:

curl --cert Output.pem --pass YourPhrase '…'

where Output.pem and YourPhrase are your pem (Privacy Enhanced Mail) certificate and phrase that you setup in Setup, respectively. version is the version of the REST API (as of March 11th 2024, the latest version is v1).

Due to their repeated usage, we will abbreviate the following commands as such:

alias CURL='curl --cert Output.pem --pass YourPhrase'
export APIPATH=''

Note: The above path lets you access to the development version of the HWDB. In order to access to the production version, the path would be;

export APIPATH=''


GET Item

Jump to POST counterpart

‘Getting’ an item calls the /components/<pid> API endpoint. For the following example we will use the following item: Z00100400005-00001. Use the following command line in order to ‘get’ the desired item.

CURL "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100400005-00001" | jq

When executed, you will get the following response.

"data": {
    "batch": {
      "id": 3,
      "received": "2020-05-15"
    "comments": "",
    "component_id": 46435,
    "component_type": {
      "name": "Front Axle",
      "part_type_id": "Z00100400005"
    "country_code": "US",
    "created": "2023-09-22T10:50:55.099050-05:00",
    "creator": {
      "id": 12624,
      "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
      "username": "hajime3"
    "institution": {
      "id": 186,
      "name": "University of Minnesota Twin Cities"
    "location": null,
    "manufacturer": {
      "id": 7,
      "name": "Hajime Inc"
    "part_id": "Z00100400005-00001",
    "serial_number": "",
    "specifications": [
        "First name": "Hajime.",
        "Last name": "Muramatsu"
    "specs_version": 4,
    "status": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "temporarily not available"

This can seem overwhealming at first, but notice the following important fields:

back to top

GET List of Items

Jump to POST counterpart

You can also get items by simply specifying the Component Type ID. To do so you can use the /component-types/<type_id>/components API endpoint. For the following example we will use component type ‘Front Axle’ with ID Z00100400005.

CURL "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100400005/components" | jq

When executed, it gives the following response:

  "component_type": {
    "name": "Front Axle",
    "part_type_id": "Z00100400005"
  "data": [
      "comments": "",
      "component_id": 46435,
      "created": "2023-09-22T10:50:55.099050-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/Z00100400005-00001",
        "rel": "self"
      "location": "",
      "part_id": "Z00100400005-00001",
      "serial_number": "",
      "specifications": [
          "First name": "Hajime.",
          "Last name": "Muramatsu"
      "status": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "temporarily not available"
      "comments": null,
      "component_id": 46436,
      "created": "2023-09-22T11:07:46.576790-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"

This command returns all items with ‘Front Axle’ component type. The database returns 100 items at a time. If a component type has more than 100 items associated with it, the list of items is split into multiple pages which is managed by pagination. Take for example Z00100300030

"pagination": {
    "next": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100300030/components?page=2&size=100",
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 100,
    "pages": 2,
    "prev": null,
    "total": 182

In order to access a specific page number, you can use CURL '${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100300030/components?page=X' where X is the specific page number.

back to top

GET Test Types

Jump to POST counterpart

You can check which test types are compatible with a given component type. In order to do so you can use the /component-types/<type_id>/test-types API endpoint. The following is an example using component type Z00100100046.

CURL "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100100046/test-types" | jq

The response when executed is quite long, so we display an abbreviated list.

  "data" : [
         "comments" : "Testing...",
         "created" : "2024-03-11T05:24:51.211047-05:00",
         "creator" : {
            "id" : 12624,
            "name" : "Hajime Muramatsu",
            "username" : "hajime3"
         "id" : 599,
         "link" : {
            "href" : "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-test-types/599",
            "rel" : "self"
         "name" : "Test_Parts_3_TestType_10"
         "comments" : "",
         "created" : "2023-07-30T20:13:55.920030-05:00",
         "creator" : {
            "id" : 12624,
            "name" : "Hajime Muramatsu",
            "username" : "hajime3"
         "id" : 477,
         "link" : {
            "href" : "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-test-types/477",
            "rel" : "self"
         "name" : "My QC check 2"
         "comments" : "Setting up Test Type",
         "created" : "2023-05-22T12:39:44.212142-05:00",
         "creator" : {
            "id" : 12624,
            "name" : "Hajime Muramatsu",
            "username" : "hajime3"
         "id" : 464,
         "link" : {
            "href" : "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-test-types/464",
            "rel" : "self"
         "name" : "CPAFC Cryo Pos QC check"

back to top

GET Test Results

Jump to POST counterpart

You can also get test results associated with particular items. This uses the /components/<eid>/tests/<test_type_name> API endpoint. For the following example, we will use item Z00100100046-00008 and test type Test_Parts_3_TestType_10.

CURL "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100100046-00008/tests/Test_Parts_3_TestType_10" | jq

Which returns the following.

"data": [
      "comments": "All look ok",
      "created": "2024-05-22T09:43:37.049580-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "id": 17813,
      "images": [],
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-tests/17813",
        "rel": "details"
      "methods": [
          "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-tests/17813/images",
          "rel": "Images"
      "test_data": {
        "Cleaned": 1,
        "Template": 1,
        "Visual": 1
      "test_spec_version": -1,
      "test_type": {
        "id": 599,
        "name": "Test_Parts_3_TestType_10"

back to top

GET Location of Item

Jump to POST counterpart

You can get the current and previous locations of an item using the /components/<pid>/locations API endpoint. The returned list is sorted by most recent first. We will use item Z00100300030-00103 for the following example.

CURL "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100300030-00103/locations" | jq

Which returns the following.

"data": [
      "arrived": "2024-04-10T14:50:12-05:00",
      "comments": "now testing through the REST API",
      "created": "2024-04-10T14:09:44.316278-05:00",
      "creator": "Hajime Muramatsu",
      "id": 92,
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/locations/92",
        "rel": "details"
      "location": {
        "id": 187,
        "name": "University of Mississippi"
      "arrived": "2024-04-10T09:51:44.735194-05:00",
      "comments": "testing...",
      "created": "2024-04-10T09:51:44.735194-05:00",
      "creator": "Hajime Muramatsu",
      "id": 91,
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/locations/91",
        "rel": "details"
      "location": {
        "id": 186,
        "name": "University of Minnesota Twin Cities"
      "arrived": "2024-04-10T14:50:12-05:00",
      "comments": "now testing through the REST API",
      "created": "2024-04-04T08:16:44.333658-05:00",
      "creator": "Hajime Muramatsu",
      "id": 15,
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/locations/15",
        "rel": "details"
      "location": {
        "id": 9,
        "name": "Universidade Federal de Alfenas"

back to top

GET QR/Barcode

You can use the designated API endpoints /get-barcode/<pid> and /get-qrcode/<pid> to get a barcode and QR code respectively. Consider Z00100100048-00033.

CURL "${APIPATH}/get-barcode/Z00100100048-00033-US186" --output test.png

Which produces the following.


The process is identical for producing QR codes.

back to top

GET Images

Jump to POST counterpart

Regardless of how the image was posted (for a given Component Type, Item, or Test entry) the process of GETting the image and downloading it is very similar. The following are the API endpoints for Component type, Item, and Test entry respectively. Note that GETting an image from a test entry requires the OID. The manner in which the OID can be obtained is shown here.

 CURL "${APIPATH}/component-types/<type_id>/images"
 CURL "${APIPATH}/components/<eid>/images"
 CURL "${APIPATH}/component-tests/<oid>/images"

We will only guve an example for GETting an image for a given component type, as aside from the inital API endpoint, the process is identical. Suppose you have the type id Z00100100048.

CURL "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100100048/images"
  "component_type": {
    "name": "Test_Parts_1",
    "part_type_id": "Z00100100048"
  "data": [
      "comments": null,
      "created": "2024-05-22T14:03:26.007944-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "image_id": "fa636f5c-186d-11ef-ba26-2f96aeb61232",
      "image_name": "myimage.pdf",
      "library": "type",
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/img/fa636f5c-186d-11ef-ba26-2f96aeb61232",
        "rel": "self"
      "comments": null,
      "created": "2024-05-22T14:09:14.068344-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "image_id": "c9dfdd88-186e-11ef-ba26-c76e454071ee",
      "image_name": "myimage.pdf",
      "library": "type",
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/img/c9dfdd88-186e-11ef-ba26-c76e454071ee",
        "rel": "self"
  "link": {
    "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-types/Z00100100048/images",
    "rel": "self"
  "status": "OK"

Notice that there are mulitple “myimage.pdf”s, but the image_id is unique. In order to download the desired image, we will require the image_id, since we will utilize the /img/<image_id> API endpoint.

CURL "${APIPATH}/img/fa636f5c-186d-11ef-ba26-2f96aeb61232" -o myimage.pdf

back to top


POST item

Jump to GET counterpart

When you post an item, the database generates a unique DUNE PID and assigns it to the item. Posting an item calls on the /component-types/<type_id>/components API endpoint. For the following example we will post an item with Component Type ID Z00100400005. You can execute the command using the following line:

 CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @Add_AnItem_Test_Parts_1.json "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100400005/components" | jq

And entering the following JSON.

    "component_type": {
        "part_type_id": "Z00100400005"
    "country_code": "US",
    "comments": "Testing...",
    "institution": {
        "id": 186
    "manufacturer": {
        "id": 7
    "specifications": {
	"Last name" : "Muramatsu",
	"First name" : "Hajime"

When posting an item, the following fields are required:

When excecuted, you should receive a response similar to the following:

  "component_id": 153639,
  "data": "Created",
  "part_id": "Z00100400005-00014",
  "status": "OK"

Which displays the assigned PID, Z00100400005-00014.

back to top

POST mulitple items

Jump to GET counterpart

You can also post multiple items for a specified Component Type ID at once. To do so, you can use the /component-types/<type_id>/bulk-add API endpoint. For the following example we will post items with Component Type ID Z00100400005. You can execute the command using the following line:

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @Add_ItemS_Test_Parts_1.json "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100400005/bulk-add" | jq

And enter the following JSON:

    "component_type": {
	"part_type_id": "Z00100400005"
    "country_code": "US",
    "institution": {
	"id": 186
    "manufacturer": {
	"id": 7
    "count": 2

Notice that we specify how many items we wish to post by “count”. When excecuted, you should receive a response similar to the following:

  "data": [
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/Z00100400005-00015",
        "rel": "self"
      "part_id": "Z00100400005-00015"
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/Z00100400005-00016",
        "rel": "self"
      "part_id": "Z00100400005-00016"
  "status": "OK"

You can see that two distinct PIDs have been assigned Z00100400005-00015 and Z00100400005-00016.

back to top

POST Test Type

Jump to GET counterpart

Creating a Test Type for a particular Component Type calls upon the /component-types/<type_id>/test-types API endpoint. When posting a test type, the test type name and specifications are required. We will continue using Component Type Z00100400005.You can excecute the following command line:

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @Post_TestType_Test_parts_3.json "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100100046/test-types" | jq

And submit the following JSON file:

    "component_type": {
        "part_type_id": "Z00100100046"
    "name": "Test_Parts_3_TestType_10",
    "comments": "Testing...",
    "specifications": {
        "Cleaned": 0,
        "Template": 0,
        "Visual": 0

When executed, a response similar to the following should be displayed.

   "data" : "Created",
   "name" : "Test_Parts_3_TestType_10",
   "status" : "OK",
   "test_type_id" : 599

Which displays that a test type of name Test_Parts_3_TestType_10 was created.

back to top

POST Test Result

Jump to GET counterpart

Posting test results calls upon the /components/<pid>/tests API endpoint. you must specify the name of the test and the specifications. It is important to note that you should know the schema of the specifications prior to submission of the JSON file. Comments are optional. For the following example, the external ID is Z00100100046-00008. The command is as follows:

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @Post_TestResult_Test_parts_10.json "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100100046-00008/tests" | jq

And the JSON file is as such:

    "test_type": "Test_Parts_3_TestType_10",
    "comments": "All look ok",
    "test_data": {
        "Cleaned": 1,
        "Template": 1,
        "Visual": 1

When executed, it should produce a response similar to the following:

  "data": "Created",
  "status": "OK",
  "test_id": 17813,
  "test_type_id": 599

back to top

POST New location

Jump to GET counterpart

You can post a new location to an item by using the /components/<pid>/locations API endpoint. The location is specified by Institution ID, which can be found here. When adding a new location to an item, if the time zone is not specified for the arrival time the time zone defaults to CST. The following is an example.

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @Post_ALocation.json "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100300030-00103/locations" | jq
  "arrived": "2024-05-10 13:27:18",
  "comments": "now testing through the REST API",
  "location": {
    "id": 187

When executed, it should produce a similar response to the following.

  "data": "Created",
  "id": 95,
  "status": "OK"

back to top

POST Images

Jump to GET counterpart

You can also post images in three different ways: for a given Component Type, for a given Item, and for a given Test entry. Most major image types are supported including .jpeg, .tiff, .pdf, .bmp, and .png.

POST Image for Component Type

Posting an image for a given Component Type utilizes the /component-types/<type_id>/images API endpoint. Suppose you wish to post an image myimage.pdf to the component type Z00100100048.

CURL -H "comments=testing from curl" -F "image=@myimage.pdf" "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100100048/images" | jq

When executed, the response is as follows.

  "data": "Created",
  "image_id": "fa636f5c-186d-11ef-ba26-2f96aeb61232",
  "status": "OK"

POST Image for Item

Posting an image for a specific item utilizes the /components/<eid>/images API endpoint. Suppose you wish to post an image myimage.pdf to the item Z00100100048-00033.

CURL -H "comments=testing from curl" -F "image=@myimage.pdf" "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100100048-00033/images" | jq

When executed, the response is as follows.

  "data": "Created",
  "image_id": "0c5cb65e-189c-11ef-bcbf-af36911a955c",
  "status": "OK"

POST Image for Test

In order to post an image to a particular Test entry you require a unique IF assigned to each entry, called an OID. To obtain the OID, you need to GET the particular test result. For this example, suppose you have item Z00100200040-00001 and test type CPA_Parts_FR4_main QC check. You can use the ` /components//tests/` API endpoint to pull the test result.

CURL "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100200040-00001/tests/CPA_Parts_FR4_main%20QC%20check?history=true" | jq
  "data": [
      "comments": "here is the 1st test of the test result...",
      "created": "2020-11-16T10:13:48.704421-06:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "id": 110,
      "images": [
          "id": "12529424-86a6-11eb-a31b-936fd91bb429",
          "name": "DFD-20-A017.pdf"
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-tests/110",
        "rel": "details"
      "methods": [
          "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-tests/110/images",
          "rel": "Images"
      "test_data": {
        "Cleaned": 0,
        "Comments": null,
        "Template": 1,
        "Visual": 40
      "test_spec_version": -1,
      "test_type": {
        "id": 15,
        "name": "CPA_Parts_FR4_main QC check"
      "comments": "here is the 1st test of the test result...",
      "created": "2020-11-16T10:13:18.708351-06:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "id": 109,
      "images": [],
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-tests/109",
        "rel": "details"
      "methods": [
          "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/component-tests/109/images",
          "rel": "Images"
      "test_data": {
        "Cleaned": 0,
        "Comments": "All looked/passed good...",
        "Template": 1,
        "Visual": 40
      "test_spec_version": -1,
      "test_type": {
        "id": 15,
        "name": "CPA_Parts_FR4_main QC check"

Here we see two test results, the first one with an image, OID = 110 and the second without, OID = 109. Notice that, independent of whether there is an image(s) associated with a particular test or not, there is always an OID assigned to each of the entries. You can use the ` /component-tests//images` API endpoint to post the image to the test result.

CURL -H "comments=testing from curl" -F "image=@myimage.pdf" "${APIPATH}/component-tests/109/images" | jq

When executed, the response is as follows.

  "data": "Created",
  "image_id": "ccdd1168-18a0-11ef-ad0c-0bc7358d82dc",
  "status": "OK"

back to top

Item Filtering

One can get items using specification and test data as seen in Item Filtering in the WEB UI section. The following are the templates for the bash commands.


The following are a list of specific examples for get via specifications:

/api/v1/components?specs=SiPM_Strip_ID==4548 |[].part_id
/api/v1/components?specs=Test_Box_ID==Mib3 |[].part_id

The following is a list of specific examples for get via test data:

/api/v1/components?testdata=RPFSSRes%20RP%20Drawing%20N==DFD-20-A503 |[].part_id
/api/v1/components?testdata=I[0]==1.2604860486048603e-06 |[].part_id

back to top


There is certain syntax that can be used when you are refining your search using filter fields. The following symbols can be utilized with numbers in filter fields.

symbol definition
== equal to
!= not equal to
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to

The following symbols can be utilized with strings and substrings in filter fields.

symbol definition
== equal to
!= not equal to
~ case sensitive regex search
~* case insensitive regex search

back to top


Adding subcomponents is a way to link existing items. Before attempting to link them, it is important to insure that the subcomponent type definitions are correct. The defining of subcomponent types is done in the WEB UI.

Dealing with Status

In order to link items, the status of the intended subcomponent must be “available.” There are two ways to check for this, one is by simply checking the item itself via the /components/<eid> API endpoint. The other is to do so directly through the /components/<eid>/status API end point. For example, take Z00100400005-00001.

CURL "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100400005-00001/status" | jq

Which returns the following.

  "component": {
    "id": 152958,
    "part_id": "D00599800001-00379"
  "data": {
    "status": {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "permanently not available"

We can see that the status is “permanently not available,” with id 3. There are three different types of statuses:

Status ID Status Name
1 available
2 temporarily not available
3 permanently not available

If an item already exists which you wish to link to another item, we can make it available via the PATCH command and the /components/<eid>/status API endpoint. Take for example Z00100400007-00001.

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d @Patch_Item_Status.json "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100400007-00001/status"

And submit the following.

    "component": {
        "part_id": "Z00100400007-00001"
    "status": {
	"id": 1

When executed, it returns the following.

  "component_id": 46438,
  "data": "Created",
  "new_status": "available",
  "part_id": "Z00100400007-00001",
  "status": "OK"

You can also PATCH the status of multiple items at a time via the /components/bulk-enable API endpoint. Suppose you have two items, Z00100400007-00001 which you wish to enable or make “available” and Z00100400007-00002 which you wish to disable or make “not available.”

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d @enableBulkSub.json "${APIPATH}/components/bulk-enable" | jq

Submit the following.

    "data": [
              "part_id": "Z00100400007-00001"
            "part_id": "Z00100400007-00002",
	    "enabled": false

When executed, it returns the following:

  "data": [
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/46438",
        "rel": "self"
      "message": "enabled",
      "part_id": "Z00100400007-00001"
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/46439",
        "rel": "self"
      "message": "disabled",
      "part_id": "Z00100400007-00002"
  "status": "OK"

back to top

Linking Subcomponents

There are two ways to link a subcomponent. One is to do so directly when posting an item and specifying subcomponents, the other is patching an existing item to add the subcomponents. As previously mentioned, the intended subcomponents must be available to be linked. For the following examples, consider items Z00100400007-00001,Z00100400008-00001. As well as an item with subcomponent schema defined as:

"subcomponents": {
	"My L Wheel": <pid>
	"My R Wheel": <pid>


In order to link items via post, the process it identical to posting an item without subcomponents via the /component-types/<type_id>/components API endpoint. It is important to not that you cannot link items that are already linked to other items.

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @Add_AnItem_Test_Parts_1-2.json "${APIPATH}/component-types/Z00100400005/components" | jq

The JSON passed:

    "component_type": {
        "part_type_id": "Z00100400005"
    "country_code": "US",
    "comments": "Testing...",
    "institution": {
        "id": 186
    "manufacturer": {
        "id": 7
    "specifications": {
	"Last name": "Muramatsu",
	"First name": "Hajime"
    "subcomponents": {
        "My L Wheel": "Z00100400007-00001",
        "My R Wheel": "Z00100400008-00001"

Notice the only difference is the specified subcomponents. When executed, it returns the following.

  "component_id": 153657,
  "data": "Created",
  "part_id": "Z00100400005-00017",
  "status": "OK"

You can patch an item to add subcomponents via the /components/<eid>/subcomponents API endpoint.

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d @Patch_AnItem_Test_Parts_1.json "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100400005-00001/subcomponents" | jq

Submit the following JSON.

    "component": {
	"part_id": "Z00100400005-00001"
    "subcomponents": {
	"My L Wheel": "Z00100400007-00002",
	"My R Wheel": "Z00100400008-00002"

When executed, it returns the following.

  "component_id": 46435,
  "data": "Updated",
  "part_id": "Z00100400005-00001",
  "status": "OK"

Notice that “data” has been “Updated.”

PATCH to Clear

You can also undo or clear links using PATCH and the /components/<eid>/subcomponents API endpoint.

CURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d @Patch_AnItem_Test_Parts_1_clean.json "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100400005-00001/subcomponents" | jq

In order to clear, pass null in the schema of the defined subcomponent.

    "component": {
        "part_id": "Z00100400005-00001"
    "subcomponents": {
        "My L Wheel": null,
        "My R Wheel": null

When executed, the following is returned.

  "component_id": 46435,
  "data": "Updated",
  "part_id": "Z00100400005-00001",
  "status": "OK"

back to top

GET Subcomponent

You can also use GET and the /components/<eid>/subcomponents API endpoint to return a list of all subcomponents linked to a particular item. For example, consider Z00100400005-00001.

CURL "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100400005-00001/subcomponents" | jq

Which returns the following.

"data": [
      "comments": null,
      "created": "2024-05-22T10:45:08.718759-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "functional_position": "My L Wheel",
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/Z00100400007-00002",
        "rel": "self"
      "operation": "mount",
      "part_id": "Z00100400007-00002",
      "type_name": "Left Wheel"
      "comments": null,
      "created": "2024-05-22T10:45:08.727897-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "functional_position": "My R Wheel",
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/Z00100400008-00002",
        "rel": "self"
      "operation": "mount",
      "part_id": "Z00100400008-00002",
      "type_name": "Right Wheel"

back to top

GET Parent-Component

You can also check it see if a particular item is a subcomponent, that is check to if if it has a parent-component. You can do so by calling the /components/<eid>/container API endpoint. Consider the item “My L Wheel”, Z00100400007-00001.

CURL "${APIPATH}/components/Z00100400007-00002/container" | jq

Which returns the following.

"data": [
      "comments": null,
      "container": {
        "component_type": {
          "name": "Front Axle",
          "part_type_id": "Z00100400005"
        "link": {
          "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/Z00100400005-00001",
          "rel": "self"
        "part_id": "Z00100400005-00001"
      "created": "2024-05-22T10:45:08.718759-05:00",
      "creator": {
        "id": 12624,
        "name": "Hajime Muramatsu",
        "username": "hajime3"
      "functional_position": "My L Wheel",
      "link": {
        "href": "/cdbdev/api/v1/components/Z00100400005-00001",
        "rel": "self"
      "operation": "mount",
      "part_id": "Z00100400007-00002",
      "type_name": "Left Wheel"

Notice “container” or the parent-component.

back to top

Key Points

  • Subcomponent links can only be made with Items, whose status = “available”.

Using the iPad App


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Active user privilage is required.

  • How do I go/down through PID hieratchy, scan QR codes, and post Locations via iPad?

  • To be able to go through the PID hieratchy with the PID Display

  • To be able to deal with Item Locations with the Shipment Tracker


Section Description
Basics General overview of the iPad app.
Requirements Device requirements
Deployment How to download the app
Login Page How to login
PID Display PID management system
Shipment Tracker Utilizing the pid system to keep track of shipment crates
QR-Code Scanning and generating QR codes
Local Storage storage location



The iPad app can be utlized on either a MacBook or iPad. The following are the specifics for each device.




iPad app Deployment: As of now, you must contact Hajime Muramatsu and send send him your E-mail address. You will then be sent an invitation, which includes a link to download an app called TestFlight. You can then intsall the app via TestFlight. This method is subject to change.

Mac Deployment: The latest version of the app can be downloaded at To do so you will need Username: DUNE and Password: DUNEana.

Login Page

When the app is launched, you will see the following page. You can either login using your credentials or run a “guest” session, which allows you to use all the capabilities of the app except for communicating with the HWDB. You can also choose between the “Production” version or “Development” version of the app. When opening the app for the first time after download, you must register your FNAL certification. The proceduce is shown in the video below. Click the info button to get a moveable popup window for more information.

Once you have logged in, you will see the following:

back to top

PID Display

The PID Display is a PID viewer that is hierarchically structured, meaning you are first provided the highest-level category System ID from which you can specify until you reach the desired PID. If you have previously synced to the HWDB for that Component Type, the display orders the PIDs based on what are stored locally (SQLite). This is useful if you need PID lists (particularly long lists) with poor network connections.

The proceduce is shown in the video below. Click the info button to get a moveable popup window for more information.

You will notice that each level of the PID Display can be independently updated to sync with the HWDB, but it can also be done all at once using the “Sync All” button present on the top right of the System ID list page. It takes some time to sync them all. But it ultimately depends on the amount of the contents the DB currently holds. For now, it takes only ~2mins.

Sync all pid

back to top

Shipment Tracker

The Shipment Tracker provides a UI to deal with Location info of components in the HWDB. It allows you to easily view the location history of an Item, provides info on sub-components (if any exist). It also allows you to enter a new location and create a new item for which you can produce the corresponsing QR-code. It also lets you attach a picture associated with a particular location.

You pick a particular Component Type to start. E.g., a Component Type, DUNE CPA shipping crate. Select an existing or create PID. E.g., a PID = one of your DUNE CPA shipping crates. If any, assign its sub-component PIDs. E.g., PIDs for CPA assembly tools and CPA Panels. Start by selecting a Component Type (e.g., a Type for shipping crate).You can select one either by scanning a QR code (see below)or select from the list (see the next page). You could also select a Component Type from the list. It shows Types that have been previously selected on your iPad. If you don’t see what you want, you can add a new Type.

The proceduce is shown in the video below. Click the info button to get a moveable popup window for more information.

The location history is shown in the order of “Time(CST)”. You can add a new log or look at the individual entry more in detail. The proceduce is shown in the video below. Click the info button to get a moveable popup window for more information.

Currently, the HWDB does not have the capability to link an image to a location entry. The information, therefore, is stored as a Test of the PID with Test Type Name = _location_info.

Upon adding a component type to the shipment tracker, you can directly add PIDs . You can also assign subcomponents here. The proceduce is shown in the video below. Click the info button to get a moveable popup window for more information.

back to top


QR-codes are easy to generate on the iPad app. The proceduce is shown in the video below. Click the info button to get a moveable popup window for more information.

back to top

Local Storage

The info of the generated “Type List” is stored within the app folder. CPAProductionChecklists -> Tracker -> _tracker_typeidlist Pictures taken in the app and QR codes generated are also stored in the Tracker folder.


back to top

Key Points

  • Currently need to send an email to Hajime Muramatsu to register your iPad.

  • For the Mac version, you can directly download (a zip file). It runs with both Intel/Apple chips.

Using the Python HWDB Upload Tool


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Active user privilage is required.

  • How does one upload bulk data with the Python HWDB Upload Tool?

  • objective 1

  • objective 2


Lesson 1: Some Simple Examples  
HWDB Setup  
Example 1.1: A very simple example  
Example 1.2: Providing Default Values  
Example 1.3: Editing Items  
Example 1.4: Providing values on command line  
Example 1.5: Providing values via a docket file  
Example 1.6: Specification fields  
Lesson 2: Subcomponents  
HWDB Setup  
Example 2.1: Linking a subcomponent  
Lesson 3: Item Images  
Example 3.1: Uploading an image  
Lesson 4: Tests  
Example 4.1: Simple Test  
Example 4.2: Complex Structures  


[Explain what the Python API is and its relationship to the HWDB]

[screenshots of live demo to illustrate what it does, without explaining in detail]

back to top


This software was developed on Ubuntu 20.04 running under WSL for Windows 11, and was tested for compatibility on [Mac version]. This software requires Anaconda to be installed on your device. Anaconda may be downloaded at Before the upload tool can be used, users need to download a PKCS12 certificate for their Fermilab account.

back to top


Follow these instructions to install the Python HWDB API:

export HWDB=~/DUNE-HWDB-Python
export PATH=$HWDB:$HWDB/bin:$HWDB/devtools:$PATH
chmod +x hwdb-*

back to top


Before using the software, you must configure it to use your PKCS12 certificate. To do this, enter:

hwdb-configure --cert <path-to-your-p12-file> --password <your password>

Note that this command does NOT save your password locally. Instead, it extracts a PEM certificate and saves it in $HOME/.sisyphus. This directory will be automatically created when you first configure the application, and it should be set to have read permissions for the user only, but you may wish to verify that the permissions are set correctly. The PEM certificate could be used by other parties to access the HWDB under your account, so take care to keep it protected.

Configuration automatically sets the server to Development. When you are ready to work with the official Production server, enter:

hwdb-configure --prod 

Likewise, to set it back to Development, enter:

hwdb-configure --dev 

Note that the –prod and –dev switches may also be added to the initial configuration command instead of being run separately. back to top

Lesson 1: Some Simple Examples

The examples in this lesson demonstrate how to upload simple spreadsheets that do not require an additional “docket” file that describes their contents. Typically, if the component type has no specifications, or the specifications are simple key/value pairs, it is possible to upload item sheets directly, as demonstated in these examples.

HWDB Setup

The examples below assume that the following configuration has been set up in the HWDB. These should already be available on the Development server, but since they are not protected from modification, it is possible that they may be edited by others. If the examples appear not to work, check the following:

• A component type named “Z.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad” has been created, which has a type ID of Z00100300012.

• The component is managed by (at least) the group “tester,” and the user running the examples is a member of this group.

• The component has “Acme Corporation” listed as one of its available manufacturers.

• The component’s specifications are: { “DATA”: {}, “_meta”: {} }

For the first several examples, we will only be uploading Item information with no tests attached, but most of the principles involved with uploading tests is the same as uploading items, so it is worthwhile to follow all the item examples before moving on to tests.

Example 1.1: A very simple example

The simplest way to upload hardware items to the HWDB is to create a spreadsheet where the top several rows form a “header” that indicates, at minimum, that the “Record Type” being uploaded is “Item,” and either the “Part Type ID” or the “Part Type Name.” (Both may be given, but they must indicate the exact same component type. There must be an empty row between the header and the section containing the actual data.

1 Record Type Item
2 Part Type ID Z00100300012
3 Part Type Name Z.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad
5 Serial Number Institution Manufacturer
6 SN000001 (186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities (50) Acme Corporation
7 SN000002 (186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities (50) Acme Corporation
8 SN000003 (186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities (50) Acme Corporation
9 SN000004 (186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities (50) Acme Corporation
10 SN000005 (186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities (50) Acme Corporation

To do a mock test of uploading this spreadsheet, enter the following. This will not actually commit the changes to the HWDB. It will only do a trial run to test for errors.

hwdb-upload Items.xlsx

If this appears to run without errors, you may commit the update by using “–submit”

hwdb-upload Items.xlsx --submit

About Field Names


back to top

Example 1.2: Providing default values

In the above example, every item had the exact same Institution and Manufacturer. A shortcut is available for this case. Additional fields may be provided in the header indicating default values for a column. The column itself may be omitted if there are no exceptions to the default values.

1 Record Type Item
2 Part Type ID Z00100300012
3 Part Type Name Z.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad
4 Institution (186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities
5 Manufacturer (50) Acme Corporation
7 Serial Number
8 SN000001
9 SN000002
10 SN000003
11 SN000004
12 SN000005

back to top

Example 1.3: Editing Items

Once a sheet has been uploaded to the HWDB, any subsequent attempts to upload the sheet will only result in the HWDB attempting to edit the items instead of adding new ones. But, if you explicity want to edit an item, you may use an “External ID” column instead of or in addition to the “Serial Number” column. You may even change the existing serial numbers this way!

Note that you may not change the Institution for an item after it was initially set.

1 Record Type Item
2 Part Type ID Z00100300012
3 Part Type Name Z.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad
4 Institution (186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities
5 Manufacturer (50) Acme Corporation
7 External ID Serial Number Comments
8 Z00100300012-00001 AAA000001 first
9 Z00100300012-00002 AAA000002 second
10 Z00100300012-00003 AAA000003 third
11 Z00100300012-00004 AAA000004 fourth
12 Z00100300012-00005 AAA000005 fifth

Example 1.4: Providing values on the command line

If you do not wish to provide a header inside a spreadsheet, you may provide values on the command line.

1Serial Number

To upload this example:

hwdb-upload \
    --part-type-id=Z00100300012 \
    --record-type=Item \
    --value "Manufacturer ID" 50 \
    --value "Institution ID" 186 \
    Items.xlsx \

back to top

Example 1.5: Providing values via a docket file

Another alternative way to provide external values is by using a docket file.

1Serial Number

    "Sources": [
            "Source Name": "Item Source",
            "Files": "Items.xlsx"
    "Values": {
        "Record Type": "Item",
        "Part Type ID": "Z00100300012",
        "Part Type Name": "Z.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad",
        "Institution": "(186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities",
        "Manufacturer": "(50) Acme Corporation"

To upload this example:

hwdb-upload docket.json --submit

Example 1.6: Specification fields

The type “doodad” has a specification field named “DATA.” (Ignore the “_meta” field. It is for internal use by the application.) Top-level specification fields such as “DATA” can be provided the same way as Institution or Manufacturer.

1Record TypeItem
2Part Type IDZ00100300012
3Part Type NameZ.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad
4Institution(186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities
5Manufacturer(50) Acme Corporation
7Serial NumberDATA

back to top

Lesson 2: Subcomponents

HWDB Setup

For this lesson, we want to create a hierarchy of components. We will therefore need a second component type. The examples below assume that the following configuration has been set up in the HWDB, in addition to the configuration from Lesson 1:

• A component type named “Z.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doohickey” has been created, which has a type ID of Z00100300013.

• The component is managed by (at least) the group “tester,” and the user running the examples is a member of this group.

• The component has “Acme Corporation” listed as one of its available manufacturers.

• The component’s specifications are: { “DATA”: {}, “_meta”: {} }

• The component type has a single subcomponent slot named “Doodad” of type “Z.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad”

Example 2.1: Linking a subcomponent

For this example, we need to upload items of two different component types. We can do this by adding multiple worksheets to our Excel file.

1Record TypeItem
2Part Type IDZ00100300012
3Part Type NameZ.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad
4Institution(186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities
5Manufacturer(50) Acme Corporation
7Serial NumberComments
Items.xlsx, sheet "Doodad"

1Record TypeItem
2Part Type IDZ00100300013
3Part Type NameZ.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doohickey
4Institution(186) University of Minnesota Twin Cities
5Manufacturer(50) Acme Corporation
7Serial NumberCommentsDoodad
8SN900001by serial numberSN000001
9SN900002by part idZ00100300012-00010
10SN900003keep as it is
10SN900004void it out<null>
Items.xlsx, sheet "Doohickey"

To upload this example:

hwdb-upload Items.xlsx --submit

Some notes on linking subcomponents:

• The “Doodad” column may contain the serial number of the item to be connected, or the Part ID if the item already exists in the database.

• If the subcomponent item is already in the database, it is not strictly necessary to include a sheet defining the item.

• The subcomponent to be linked must not have its “status” set to anything besides “available.” (“Available” is the default status for an item, so an item will not have a different status unless deliberately changed.)

Lesson 3: Item Images

Example 3.1: Uploading an image

This example demonstrates how to upload an image for an item.

(NOTE: due to a bug, you can currently only have one image per item on a sheet! We apologize for the inconvenience.)

1Record TypeItem Image
2Part Type IDZ00100300012
4External IDCommentsImage File
5Z00100300012-00001This is fine.this_is_fine.jpg
Items.xlsx, sheet "Doodad"

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Lesson 4: Tests

Example 4.1: Simple Test

1Record TypeTest
2Part Type IDZ00100300012
3Part Type NameZ.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad
4Test NameDoodad Test
6Serial NumberDATA
Items.xlsx, sheet "Doodad-Test"

Example 4.2: Complex Structures

1Record TypeTest
2Part Type IDZ00100300012
3Part Type NameZ.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad
4Test NameDoodad Test
6 Serial Number Test Date Test Operator Operator Note Overall Status Subtest Name Trial Number Trial Description Trial Result
7 SN000001 2024-03-22 08:45:00 Alex heavy snow pass bounce 1 drop from 1 meter pass
8 SN000001 2024-03-22 08:45:00 Alex heavy snow pass bounce 2 drop from 2 meter pass
9 SN000001 2024-03-22 08:45:00 Alex heavy snow pass smash 1 smash with 5# hammer pass
10 SN000001 2024-03-22 08:45:00 Alex heavy snow pass smash 2 smash with 9# hammer pass
11 SN000001 2024-03-29 14:00:00 Alex cold, windy pass bounce 1 drop from 1 meter pass
12 SN000001 2024-03-29 14:00:00 Bill cold, windy pass bounce 2 drop from 2 meter pass
Items.xlsx, sheet "Doodad"

    "Sources": [
            "Source Name": "Doodad Tests",
            "Files": "Items.xlsx",
            "Encoder": "Doodad Test Encoder"
    "Encoders": [
            "Encoder Name": "Doodad Test Encoder",
            "Record Type": "Test",
            "Part Type Name": "Z.Sandbox.HWDBUnitTest.doodad",
            "Part Type ID": "Z00100300012",
            "Test Name": "Doodad Test",
            "Schema": {
                "Test Results": {
                    "DATA": {
                        "type": "group",
                        "key": [
                            "Test Date",
                            "Test Operator"
                        "members": {
                            "Test Date": "string",
                            "Test Operator": "string",
                            "Overall Status": "string",
                            "Operator Note": "null,string",
                            "Subtest": {
                                "type": "group",
                                "key": "Subtest Name",
                                "members": {
                                    "Subtest Name": "string",
                                    "Trial": {
                                        "type": "group",
                                        "key": "Trial Number",
                                        "members": {
                                            "Trial Number": "integer",
                                            "Trial Description": "null,string",
                                            "Trial Result": "any"


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Key Points

  • keypoint 1

Inserting Component Types


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Architect privilage is required.

  • How do I newly create Components (only available with the WEB UI)?

  • Users with the Architect privilege should be able to insert new Component Types.


A requirement and preparation  
Know what you want to insert!  
Inserting manually  
Inserting a spreadsheet  

A requirement and preparation

This page is to teach a user how to insert new Component Types into the DUNE HWDB. Only users with the Architect privilege are allowed to do so. If you don’t have such privilege, you likely do not go through the contents on this page. If you think you should know how to, but don’t have the Architect privilege, please contact the DUNE database group.

Let’s check if your account in the HWDB already has the Architect privilege. From the side-menu of the HWDB, go to Users and find your own account. If you have the Architect privilege, you should have a check-mark under architect as shown below.

Architect user

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Know what you want to insert!

Just to remind you, the figure below shows the DUNE PID syntax. Remember that with a combination of Project, System ID, Subsystem ID, Component Type ID, and Item Number, every DUNE component in the HWDB is uniquely defined. And the Item Number is just a counter. pid syntax Thus, for each of the Component Types you like to like newly create, you should have the followings prepared:

There are two ways to do this. In either way, you will do these through your web browser.

  1. Do it manually, one-by-one.
  2. Do it by providing a prepared spreadsheet.

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Inserting manually

As an example, let’s insert the following new Component Type:

This Subsystem (ID = 998, name = HWDBUnitTest) already exists in the HWDB. Let’s find it.

From the side-menu, go to Admin and then click Projects as shown below. admin project

You now should be seeing a list of Project as shown below. Click the Systems folder (DUNE), which takes you to the list of Systems. project list

In the list of Systems, click the Subsystems folder (FD1-HD HVS) as shown below. system list

You should be seeing a list of Subsystems as shown below. Select the Subsystems folder (HWDBUnitTest) now. subsystem list

The figure below shows a list of the Component Types that are currently available in the HWDB for the selected Subsystem, HWDBTestUnit.

Click “ADD NEW TYPE…”. componenttype list

You now should be seeing a figure similar to the one shown below. Enter:

and then click “SAVE”. manual insert

After saving, you should be seeing a screen like the one below. manual save

If you now go back to the list of Component Types, you should be seeing a figure like the one shown below. manual comptype saved

In the above example, our Subsystem ID has been already defined in the HWDB. In general, you could newly defined Subsystem ID as well. The procedure would be entirely identical to what we just described above, except that you ADD new Subsystem ID to a list of Subsystems instead.

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Inserting a spreadsheet

Now let’s insert multiple new Component Types at once.

Prepare a spreadsheet similar to the one shown below. example sheet

You could have multiple different System IDs and multiple different Subsystem IDs in general. In this example, for simplicity, we stick with the same System ID and Subsystem ID as before.

Cautions: For those names (not IDs) entered in your sheet, you cannot use the following characters: comma, period, quotation marks, underscore or the percent sign.

From the side-menu, go to Admin and then select Upload Excel as shown below.

Drag & drop your prepared Excel sheet there. dragdrop sheet

Once you drop your sheet there, screen like below should show up. Your requested System ID(s) is checked to see if it is in the accepted format.

If looks OK, click “NEXT”. system checked

Similarly it checks your requested Subsystem ID(s) as shown below. Again, if it looks OK, click “NEXT” to proceed. subsystem checked

And finally it checks your requested Component Type ID(s). Make sure they look OK before clicking “SAVE” to finalize the creation process. Once they are saved, you will not be able to delete them! componenttype checked

When everything goes well, you should be notified by a message like the one shown below. Notice that no Systems and Subsystems were newly created, while 9 Component Types have been created. final message

Finally, if you go back to the list of the Component Types like the one shown below, newly created Component Types should be showing up there. sheet comptype saved

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Key Points

  • Only users with the Architect privilege are allowed to add new Componnet Types.

  • Two ways to do this, either manually by one-by-one or with a prepared spreadsheet.