This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

DUNE HWDB Training: Build Notes for DUNE computing-HWDB


In this lesson we will build a site for the upcoming training of the DUNE Computing HWDB which has learning materials presented using the Software Carpentry (SC) templates.

Identify SC lesson template source: Work from the latest version of the lesson template, to verify versioning, visit, and check out the meta-repository to help navigate the lessons and repos of the SC Community:

Build Note

Observing file dates at indicates no commits to the styles repo have been made in the last 2 years, with latest release: styles v9.5.3 Latest on Aug 21, 2018. All styles development work has shifted to their Workbench project, still in a beta stage.

Steps in a Nutshell

User Setup Expectations

Step by Step Instructions

>> Assumes user has familiarity with Github, and we encourage the Jekyll/Ruby development environment is used locally to verify content before pushing to Github.

We will build from the styles lesson by importing it into a new DUNE GitHub repo using the source given at: swcarpentry/styles. Have a look at

Image 4

Select the green <> Code button, and grab (copy URL to clipboard) the URL for the Clone (

Image 18

Now go to:

Image 12

Select Repositories tab from the menu, use New repository (green button)

Image 15

Instead of creating a new repository, follow the Import a repository link which is located in the opening paragraph.

Image 7

The link to Import a repository →

Image 17

Enter your old repository’s clone URL as, declare Your new repository details as: DUNE/computing-HWDB, and as Public, then select the green Begin import button.

Image 5

Why Import, and not Clone?

Clone vs. Fork vs. Import - Repo owner approves all changes through pull requests. Fork - creates a local and remote copy of a repo. You become the owner of the forked repo, but it remains linked to the original repo. Import - creates a local and remote copy of a repo that is unlinked from the original.


Go to the new repo is to verify the installation.

Image 19

Notice the default branch is main, showing minimal content, except, “Please use the gh-pages branch. Inspect the contents of the gh-pages branch by selecting the main branch dropdown and selecting gh-pages.

Image 24

Image 23

We will change the default branch to gh-pages and delete the main branch. Set the default branch of the repo to gh-pages by going to the Settings tab (top menu next the gear icon) or directly: where in the Default branch block:

Select the left-right arrow button and the gh-pages branch, then the Update button

Image 1

Then accept the responsibility of change to gh-pages

Image 11

Afterwards, select the <>Code tab (top menu bar)

Image 3

And then the “2 Branches” tab (right of gh-pages) delete the main branch by following the Branches icon in the left menu

Image 10

And use the trash can to delete the main branch, the results:

Image 20

Returning <> Code, we now have a base instance of the styles lesson template parked as a DUNE repo.

Our goal is to build the .io site from our local editing environment using GitHub Desktop to manage the edits which include a couple critical actions, the first being creating the _config.yml file.

Using GitHub Desktop on your Mac or PC, Clone the Repository…

Image 6

Selecting DUNE/computing-HWDB which is filtered from those available at assuming your GitHub/DUNE credentials are correct.

Image 25

Verify your new repo has been stashed as a Local Path, and select the CLone (blue) button.

Inspect the file list for your repository in a Terminal window.

Image 14

Create necessary initial files $ python bin/

Image 2

And reinspect

Image 21

Notice several files have been generated (13), _config.yml,, being among those that require configuration edits.

Verify the installation by running $make serve and inspecting the local version of the .io website via your web browser the URL http://127.0.1:4000

Notice the Changes to the repo on your GitHub Desktop app, then provide a Summary, and a short Description, then Commit to gh-pages (blue button) to load the new files, following up with a Push to Origin (

With these files in place, will be generated automatically. See Settings:Pages to verify the site is live:

Image 16

Now we are ready to build out the site for public use.

Back at add an about:

Image 13

The site is now ready for customization that includes,, Morevoer, the episodes can be constructed when a schedule will be automatically generated for display.

A good time to take a break!