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HWDB Conceptual Overview and the DUNE PID


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • No privilage is required.

  • What is the HWDB?

  • What are its essential components?

  • The defintion of the DUNE Parts Identifier (PID)

  • To go over the overview of the DUNE HWDB

  • To understand the syntax of the DUNE Parts Identifier


Hardware DB Conceptual Overview  
Hardware DB, A Bit of History  
DUNE Expands the Requirements  
Hardware Database for DUNE  
Accessing the System  
Dealing with HWDB data via Parts Identifiers  
Project Identifier (required)  
System Identifier (required)  
Subsystem Identifier (required)  
Component Type Identifier (required)  
Item Number (required)  
Country of Origin (required)  
Responsible Institution ID (required)  
Important Reminder  
PID hierarchy  
User Privileges  

Hardware DB Conceptual Overview

Hardware DB, A Bit of History


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DUNE Expands the Requirements


DUNE requires a very large set of discrete types of items to be tracked making creating individual tables for each item extremely difficult. Well, impossible.

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Hardware Database for DUNE

Hardware Database supports the complete life cycle of each item in the DB for the experiment as a whole.

The figure shows a simplified view of the DUNE HWDB schema (sorry for the fuzziness). For more details, please refer to: DBSchema

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Accessing the System

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Dealing with HWDB data via Parts Identifiers

Every entry in the DUNE HWDB is associated with a Parts Identifier (PID), which is uniquely defined and assigned by the HWDB, according to DUNE specifications (LBNF/DUNE Parts Identifier: EDMS 2505353). Thus PID allows a user to retrieve and sort the all entries there.

Each entry can be also linked to other entries through PIDs. This provides a concept of PID hierarchy, such as a relation between a parent hardware component and daughter components. E.g., for a given shipping crate PID, one could retrieve its contents as PIDs of the components insides are linked to the shipping crate PID. Or one could have a PID that corresponds to the entire HVS, which is linked to PIDs of CPA+FC+EW modules. And one of those PIDs is then linked to a CPA Plane and so on.. eventually could link down to a raw CPA part.

We’ll start to describe how the DUNE PID is defined below.

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The Parts Identifier (PID) is a 32-characters alphanumeric string that is used to uniquely identify all the LBNF and DUNE components that are used during the construction of the LBNF facility (including both the far site at the Sanford Underground Research Facility – SURF and the near site at Fermilab) and of all the corresponding detectors. The parts identifier forms a unique identifier for that part in the hardware database. Each part which has important information associated with it must have a parts identifier assigned so the data can be archived in the hardware database. The parts identifier is used for all equipment bar codes, QR codes, tags and other systems of identification. The PID is composed of 10 fields, of which 7 are required. More information about PIDs can be found under LBNF/DUNE Parts Identifier: EDMS 2505353.


The following is an example of a PID.

      D     = DUNE
      005   = FD1-HD HVS
      020   = CPA
      01200 = DUNE Shipping Crate
      00050 = the 50th item (crate)
      US    = United States
      125   = Argonne National Laboratory

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Project Identifier (required)

The project identifier is a single character in the range A-Z representing the major divisions in the DUNE/LBNF enterprise. The designations are as follows:

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System Identifier (required)

The system identifier is a three-digit (001-999) number representing the major subdivisions in responsibility for LBNF/DUNE. In general, each detector consortium is assigned a separate system identifier and the consortium is then assigned the responsibility of defining the sub-systems and components under their authority.

Click to expand table
System ID Description
0 Invalid
1 FD1-HD Complete Detector
2 FD1-HD Instrumented Anode Plane (with Elec and photon Det.)
3 FD1-HD Anode Plane Assemblies (bare wire planes)
4 FD1-HD Photon Detection System
6 FD1-HD Calibration
51 FD2-VD Complete Detector
52 FD2-VD Instrumented Top Charge Readout Planes (CRP) (inc. Elect)
53 FD2-VD Instrumented Bottom Charge Readout Planes (CRP) (inc, Elect)
54 FD2-VD Instrumented Cathode Plane (inc. PD)
55 FD2-VD Top Charge Readout Planes (CRP)
56 FD2-VD Bottom Charge Readout Planes (CRP)
57 FD2-VD Top Vertical Drift CRP Electronics
58 FD2-VD Photon Detector
59 FD2-VD Calibration
80 FD-2-VD HV
81 FD1-HD TPC Elec. and FD2-VD Bottom Elec.
83 FD Slow Control
84 FD Cryogenic Instrumentation
85 FD Integration
86 FD Installation
100 ND: Near detector complex
101 ND: Liquid Argon Near Detection
102 ND: TMS
103 ND: Beam Monitor - SAND
104 ND: DAQ
105 ND: Slow Controls
106 ND: Prism Infrastructure
107 ND: Integration
108 ND: Installation
200 FS: Safety
201 FS: BSI
220 NS: Safety
221 NS: BSI
300 FS: Cryogenics
321 NS: Cryogenics
400 FS: Networking
421 NS: Networking
500 Computing
600 FD Cryostat
621 ND Cryostat
900 ProtoDUNE-Il complete detector
901 FD2-VD Module-0 complete detector

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Subsystem Identifier (required)

The subsystem ID is a three-digit number (001-999) defined by the consortium or responsible group. Its purpose is to allow the consortia to separate the major components under their responsibility into subsystems.

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Component Type Identifier (required)

The component Type ID is a 5-digit number (00001-99999) used to identify the specific parts in a subsystem. Together with the subsystem ID the component Type ID defines the part inside the consortium scope.

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Item Number (required)

The item number is a five-digit number used to specify the exact part in a series and is assigned by the HWDB. It serves the typical role of the serial number in commercial fabrication. Five digits was chosen as the vast majority of components will have less than 100,000 units fabricated. In the handful of situations where this is not the case, different Component Type IDs will be needed for batches.

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Country of Origin (required)

The country of origin is a two-character string representing the country responsible for fabricating the part or assembling the sub-components into the assembly (AA-ZZ). The country codes are specified according to the ISO3166 standard (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). The list of active countries in the DUNE collaboration are as follows:

Country Code Country Code Country Code Country Code
Armenia AM Madagascar MG Brazil BR Mexico MX
Canada CA Netherlands NL CERN CH Paraguay PY
Chile CL Peru PE China CN Poland PL
Colombia CO Portugal PT Czech Republic CZ Romania RO
Finland FI Russia RU France FR Spain ES
Georgia GE Sweden SE Germany DE Switzerland CH
Greece GR Turkey TR India IN Ukraine UA
Iran IR United Kingdom GB Italy IT USA US
Japan JP Korea, South KR        

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Responsible Institution ID (required)

The responsible institution ID is a three-digit number (001-999) representing the institution inside LBNF/DUNE responsible for the part or assembly. The responsible institution is the last of the immutable fields making both the country and institution required information before a part number can be assigned to a given part. The range 001-500 are reserved for the DUNE collaboration institutions. 000 is an illegal value.

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Important Reminder

When a PID is assigned, then the corresponding drawing should be associated (stored) with it. This will allow workers in the field to verify that the correct parts were used in the assemblies and installation. If/when a part is to be handled, transported, or assembled into other systems by other group, it must be marked with the PID.This will allow the workers to look up the relevant procedures, drawings, QC steps, and safety info at the installation location. Every shipment (box, crate) must be assigned with a PID. This is crucial in to be able to track the latest locations of parts and the number of parts at certain locations.

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PID hierarchy

As you will see in the next session, there is a list of Projects in the HWDB. For a given Project, there is a list of System IDs. And then for a given System ID, there is a list of Subsystem IDs. For a given Subsystem ID, there is a list of Component Type IDs. Finally for a given Component Type ID, there is a list of Items. These form the PID hierarchy and you will learn how to go up and down through these lists in the next session.

Obviously, if a Component Type doesn’t exist, you can’t have the corresponding Items. Similarly, if a Subsystem is not there, there is no way to create the corresponding Component Type. All of these, except Items, need to be created and well defined before a user starts to enter data.

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User Privileges

The list of Projects and the list of System IDs have been already created in the HWDB by default. However one needs to define the rest, depending on needs of individual consortium. And not all users are allowed to do such tasks.

There are 3 types of privileges in the HWDB: active, administrator, and architect.

  1. In general, all users of the HWDB should be active. They are allowed to read and input data.
  2. Users with administrator privileges can update Component Types, but not allowed to create them.
  3. Architects can create Subsystems and Component Types.

Among these privileges, administrator and Architects should be assigned to the liaisons from each consortia who are listed here. These liaisons should determine and create necessary Subsystem IDs and Component Types for their own consortia and then provide proper definitions to each of the created Component Types. Please refer to the 8th session on how to create Component Types. In the next session, we will go through how to define Component Types in detail.

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Key Points

  • Component Types, Items, and PartIDs.

  • Every item must have a PartID attached via a bar/QR-coded label.

  • A PartID is a unique identifier defined according to the DUNE specifications.