This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Introduction to DUNE HWDB Training site


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • No privilage is required.

  • What is this website?

  • Introduce instructors and mentors.

  • Provide overview of this training site.

What is this website for?

The DUNE Hardware Database (HWDB) stores all the information related to a piece of DUNE hardware. It is foreseen as the primary archive of hardware related data. This web site trains you so that you can communicate (read & write) with the HWDB with ease. Towards the end of the trainings (the 6th and the 7th sessions) we also introduce two apps that would help users in communicating with the HWDB as well.

Structure of the training site

It composes of 8 main sessions.

Session Description
1. Intro. to DUNE HWDB Training site This page.
2. HWDB Conceptual Overview and the DUNE PID It goes over briefly a history of Hardware Database, conceptual overview, and introduce the definiton of the DUNE Parts Identifier (PID), a concept of PID hierarchy, and the three privileges of user account
3. Setting up Component Types and Test Types Goes through the PID hierarchy with the WEB UI. Then teaches you how to define Component and Test Types, which must be done before inserting actual data to the database. User Roles are also introduced, which restrict which users could edit/create what Types. It goes through these how-tos with both the WEB-UI and the REST API.
4. Data Management using WEB UI Teaches you how to POST/PATCH/GET Items, sub-components, Locations of Items, Tests, as well as images, including bar/QR-codes, through the WEB-UI method. Also provides some examples of how one could perform searches for Items and Tests.
5. Data Management using REST API Teaches the identical materials to the 4th session above, but through the REST API method.
6. Using the iPad App Introduces the iPad app, its requirements, how to obtain it. Shows how easily one could go through the PID hierarchy, scan/generate/print QR-codes, while dealing with information of individual Item Locations.
7. Using the Python HWDB Upload Tool Introduces the Python-based app, its requirements, how to obtain it. Shows how easily one could upload massive data to the database, even with some complicated DB schema.
8. Inserting Component Types This page is only for users with the Architect privilege. Describes how to newly create Component Types in the database.

The 2nd DUNE HWDB Tutorials

The 2nd HWDB tutorials will be held in June XX and YY. For more details, see HWDB Tutorials. The tutorials are based on what this training site describes.

Key Points

  • This training site is brought to you by the DUNE Computing Consortium.

  • The goals are to give you the computing basis to communicate with the DUNE Hardware Database.