Generate many DUNE bar/QR-code labels at ease!
The Python HWDB Upload Tool now allows user to configure paper/label sizes as well as label positions at run time.
Please refer to the newly created Generating bar/QR-code labels section for details.
The 2nd HWDB tutorials
The 2nd HWDB tutorials was held as a two-day workshop on consecutive Mondays, July 15, 2024, and July 22, 2024.
A two day schedule with lesson links is provided as HWDB Tutorials.
The Indico Site for this training is
Links to to an earlier tutorial on the HWDB:
Getting Started
First step: follow the directions in the “Setup” to arrived prepared for this event. Follow the instruction there to obtain your FNAL certificate, which you will need to communicate with the REST API of the HWDB. Follow along with the training via Incido.
By the end of this training, participants will know how to:
- GET/POST things from/to the DUNE HWDB through both the WEB UI and the REST API methods.
- Easily go up&down PID hierarchy, scan QR-codes, and GET/POST Item locations using the iPad app.
- Easily POST massive data to the HWDB using the Python API.
The complete online HWDB documentations
All REST API endpoints that are described in this training site are based on the online DUNE HWDB documentation, generated by Redoc. We do not cover the entire endpoints described in the online documentation. It is great idea to visit there and go through them.
Also the online DUNE HWDB documentation gets generated based on the Swagger site, which allows you to execute those REST API endpoints online interactively. We encourage users to exercise these two sites often.
Questions, Requests, and the Liaisons
Any question/comments, including requests of examples to be added as training materials, should be directed to the liaison of your consortium (click the button below) as well as the followings: Norm Buchanan, Ana Paula, and Hajime Muramatsu. For issues of the HWDB itself, also inform here.