This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Expert in the Room - LArSoft How to modify a module - in progress


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I check out, modify, and build DUNE code?

  • How to use mrb.

  • Set up your environment.

  • Download source code from DUNE’s git repository.

  • Build it.

  • Run an example program.

  • Modify the job configuration for the program.

  • Modify the example module to make a custom histogram.

  • Test the modified module.

  • Stretch goal – run the debugger.

First learn a bit about the MRB system

Link to the mrb episode

getting set up

You will need three login sessions. These have different environments set up.

Session 1

Start up session #1, editing code, on one of the dunegpvm* interactive nodes. These scripts have also been tested on the interactive nodes.

Note Remember the Apptainer!

see below for special Apptainers for CERN and build machines.

Create two scripts in your home directory: should have these contents:

export DUNELAR_VERSION=v10_00_04d00
export WORKDIR=/exp/dune/app/users/${USERNAME}
if [ ! -d "$WORKDIR" ]; then
  export WORKDIR=`echo ~`

source /cvmfs/

touch ${DIRECTORY}
rm -rf ${DIRECTORY}
mkdir ${DIRECTORY}
mrb newDev -q ${DUNELAR_QUALIFIER}
source ${WORKDIR}/${DIRECTORY}/localProducts*/setup
mkdir work
cd srcs
mrb g -t ${PROTODUNEANA_VERSION} protoduneana

mrb i -j16

and should have these contents:


source /cvmfs/
export WORKDIR=/exp/dune/app/users/${USERNAME}
if [ ! -d "$WORKDIR" ]; then
  export WORKDIR=`echo ~`

source localProducts*/setup
cd work

Execute this command to make the first script executable.

  chmod +x

It is not necessary to chmod the setup script. Problems writing to your home directory? Check to see if your Kerberos ticket has been forwarded.


Session 2

Start up session #2 by logging in to one of the build nodes, or They have 16 cores apiece and the dunegpvm’s have only four, so builds run much faster on them. If all tutorial users log on to the same one and try building all at once, the build nodes may become very slow or run out of memory. The lxplus nodes are generally big enough to build sufficiently quickly. The Fermilab build nodes should not be used to run programs (people need them to build code!)

Note you need a modified container on the build machines and at CERN as they don’t mount /pnfs

This is done to prevent people from running interactive jobs on the dedicated build machines.

FNAL build machines

# remove /pnfs/ for build machines
/cvmfs/ shell --shell=/bin/bash \
-B /cvmfs,/exp,/nashome,/opt,/run/user,/etc/hostname,/etc/hosts,/etc/krb5.conf --ipc --pid \


/cvmfs/ shell --shell=/bin/bash\
-B /cvmfs,/afs,/opt,/run/user,/etc/hostname,/etc/krb5.conf --ipc --pid \

Download source code and build it

On the build node, execute the newDev script:


Note that this script will delete the directory planned to store the source code and built code, and make a new directory, in order to start clean. Be careful not to execute this script then if you’ve worked on the code some, as this script will wipe it out and start fresh.

This build script will take a few minutes to check code out and compile it.

The mrb g command does a git clone of the specified repository with an optional tag and destination name. More information is available here and here.

Some comments on the build command

  mrb i -j16

The -j16 says how many concurrent processes to run. Set the number to no more than the number of cores on the computer you’re running it on. A dunegpvm machine has four cores, and the two build nodes each have 16. Running more concurrent processes on a computer with a limited number of cores won’t make the build finish any faster, but you may run out of memory. The dunegpvms do not have enough memory to run 16 instances of the C++ compiler at a time, and you may see the word killed in your error messages if you ask to run many more concurrent compile processes than the interactive computer can handle.

You can find the number of cores a machine has with

  cat /proc/cpuinfo

The mrb system builds code in a directory distinct from the source code. Source code is in $MRB_SOURCE and built code is in $MRB_BUILDDIR. If the build succeeds (no error messages, and compiler warnings are treated as errors, and these will stop the build, forcing you to fix the problem), then the built artifacts are put in $MRB_TOP/localProducts*. mrbslp directs ups to search in $MRB_TOP/localProducts* first for software and necessary components like fcl files. It is good to separate the build directory from the install directory as a failed build will not prevent you from running the program from the last successful build. But you have to look at the error messages from the build step before running a program. If you edited source code, made a mistake, built it unsuccessfully, then running the program may run successfully with the last version which compiled. You may be wondering why your code changes are having no effect. You can look in $MRB_TOP/localProducts* to see if new code has been added (look for the “lib” directory under the architecture-specific directory of your product).

Because you ran the script instead of sourcing it, the environment it set up within it is not retained in the login session you ran it from. You will need to set up your environment again. You will need to do this when you log in anyway, so it is good to have that setup script. In session #2, type this:


The shell command “source” instructs the command interpreter (bash) to read commands from the file as if they were typed at the terminal. This way, environment variables set up by the script stay set up. Do the following in session #1, the source editing session:


Run your program

YouTube Lecture Part 2: Start up the session for running programs – log in to a dunegpvm interactive computer for session #3


We need to locate an input file. Here are some tips for finding input data:

Data and MC files are typically on tape, but can be cached on disk so you don’t have to wait possibly a long time for the file to be staged in. Check to see if a sample file is in dCache or only on tape: PDSPProd4a_protoDUNE_sp_reco_stage1_p1GeV_35ms_sce_datadriven_18800650_2_20210414T012053Z.root

Get the xrootd URL:

samweb get-file-access-url --schema=root PDSPProd4a_protoDUNE_sp_reco_stage1_p1GeV_35ms_sce_datadriven_18800650_2_20210414T012053Z.root

which should print the following URL:


Now run the program with the input file accessed by that URL:

lar -c analyzer_job.fcl root://

CERN Users without access to Fermilab’s dCache: – example input files for this tutorial have been copied to /afs/

After running the program, you should have an output file tutorial_hist.root. Note – please do not store large rootfiles in /exp/dune/app! The disk is rather small, and we’d like to save it for applications, not data. But this file ought to be quite small. Open it in root

  root tutorial_hist.root

and look at the histograms and trees with a TBrowser. It is empty!

Adjust the program’s job configuration

In Session #1, the code editing session,

  cd ${MRB_SOURCE}/protoduneana/protoduneana/TutorialExamples/

See that analyzer_job.fcl includes clustercounter.fcl. The module_type line in that fcl file defines the name of the module to run, and just prints out a message in its analyze() method just prints out a line to stdout for each event, without making any histograms or trees.

Aside on module labels and types: A module label is used to identify which modules to run in which order in a trigger path in an art job, and also to label the output data products. The “module type” is the name of the source file: is the filename of the source code for a module with class name moduletype. The build system preserves this and makes a shared object (.so) library that art loads when it sees a particular module_type in the configuration document. The reason there are two names here is so you can run a module multiple times in a job, usually with different inputs. Underscores are not allowed in module types or module labels because they are used in contexts that separate fields with underscores.

Let’s do something more interesting than ClusterCounter_module’s print statement.

Let’s first experiment with the configuration to see if we can get some output. In Session #3 (the running session),

  fhicl-dump analyzer_job.fcl > tmp.txt

and open tmp.txt in a text editor. You will see what blocks in there contain the fcl parameters you need to adjust. Make a new fcl file in the work directory called myana.fcl with these contents:

#include "analyzer_job.fcl"

physics.analyzers.clusterana.module_type: "ClusterCounter3"

Try running it:

  lar -c myana.fcl root://

but you will get error messages about “product not found”. Inspection of in Session #1 shows that it is looking for input clusters. Let’s see if we have any in the input file, but with a different module label for the input data.

Look at the contents of the input file:

  product_sizes_dumper root:// | grep -i cluster

There are clusters with module label “pandora” but not lineclusterdc which you can find in the tmp.txt file above. Now edit myana.fcl to say

#include "analyzer_job.fcl"

physics.analyzers.clusterana.module_type: "ClusterCounter3"
physics.analyzers.clusterana.ClusterModuleLabel: "pandora"

and run it again:

  lar -c myana.fcl root://

Lots of information on job configuration via FHiCL is available at this link

Editing the example module and building it

YouTube Lecture Part 3: Now in session #1, edit ${MRB_SOURCE}/protoduneana/protoduneana/TutorialExamples/


#include "TH1F.h"

to the section with includes.

Add a private data member

TH1F *fTutorialHisto;

to the class. Create the histogram in the beginJob() method:

fTutorialHisto = tfs->make<TH1F>("TutorialHisto","NClus",100,0,500);

Fill the histo in the analyze() method, after the loop over clusters:


Go to session #2 and build it. The current working directory should be the build directory:

make install -j16

Note – this is the quicker way to re-build a product. The -j16 says to use 16 parallel processes, which matches the number of cores on a build node. The command

mrb i -j16

first does a cmake step – it looks through all the CMakeLists.txt files and processes them, making makefiles. If you didn’t edit a CMakeLists.txt file or add new modules or fcl files or other code, a simple make can save you some time in running the single-threaded cmake step.

Rerun your program in session #3 (the run session)

  lar -c myana.fcl root://

Open the output file in a TBrowser:

  root tutorial_hist.root

and browse it to see your new histogram. You can also run on some data.

  lar -c myana.fcl -T dataoutputfile.root root://

The -T dataoutputfile.root changes the output filename for the TTrees and histograms to dataoutputfile.root so it doesn’t clobber the one you made for the MC output.

This iteration of course is rather slow – rebuilding and running on files in dCache. Far better, if you are just changing histogram binning, for example, is to use the output TTree. TTree::MakeClass is a very useful way to make a script that reads in the TBranches of a TTree on a file. The workflow in this tutorial is also useful in case you decide to add more content to the example TTree.

Run your program in the debugger

YouTube Lecture Part 4: In session #3 (the running session)

  setup forge_tools

  ddt `which lar` -c myana.fcl root://

Click the “Run” button in the window that pops up. The which lar is needed because ddt cannot find executables in your path – you have to specify their locations explicitly.

In session #1, look at in a text editor that lets you know what the line numbers are. Find the line number that fills your new histogram. In the debugger window, select the “Breakpoints” tab in the bottom window, and usethe right-mouse button (sorry mac users – you may need to get an external mouse if you are using VNC. XQuartz emulates a three-button mouse I believe). Make sure the “line” radio button is selected, and type for the filename. Set the breakpoint line at the line you want, for the histogram filling or some other place you find interesting. Click Okay, and “Yes” to the dialog box that says ddt doesn’t know about the source code yet but will try to find it when it is loaded.

Click the right green arrow to start the program. Watch the program in the Input/Output section. When the breakpoint is hit, you can browse the stack, inspect values (sometimes – it is better when compiled with debug), set more breakpoints, etc.

You will need Session #1 to search for code that ddt cannot find. Shared object libraries contain information about the location of the source code when it was compiled. So debugging something you just compiled usually results in a shared object that knows the location of the source, but installed code in CVMFS points to locations on the Jenkins build nodes.

Looking for source code:

Your environment has lots of variables pointing at installed code. Look for variables like


which points to a directory in CVMFS.


or $LARDATAOBJ_DIR/include

are good examples of places to look for code, for example.

Checking out and committing code to the git repository

For protoduneana and dunesw, this wiki page is quite good. LArSoft uses GitHub with a pull-request model. See

Some handy tools for working with search paths

Tom has written some scripts and made aliases for convenience – finding files in search paths like FHCIL_FILE_PATH, or FW_SEARCH_PATH, and searching within those files for content. Have a look on the dunegpvms at /exp/dune/data/users/trj/texttools. There is a list of aliases in aliases.txt that can be run in your login script (such as .profile). Put the perl scripts and tkdiff and newtkdiff somewhere in your PATH. A common place to put your favorite convenience scripts is ${HOME}/bin, but make sure to add that to your PATH. The scripts tkdiff and newtkdiff are open-source graphical diff tools that run using TCL/TK.

Common errors and recovery

Version mismatch between source code and installed products

When you perform an mrbsetenv or a mrbslp, sometimes you get a version mismatch. The most common reason for this is that you have set up an older version of the dependent products. Dunesw depends on protoduneana, which depends on dunecore, which depends on larsoft, which depends on art, ROOT, GEANT4, and many other products. This picture shows the software dependency tree for dunesw v09_72_01_d00. If the source code is newer than the installed products, the versions may mismatch. You can check out an older version of the source code (see the example above) with

  mrb g -t <tag> repository

Alternatively, if you have already checked out some code, you can switch to a different tag using your local clone of the git repository.

  cd $MRB_SOURCE/<product>
  git checkout <tag>

Try mrbsetenv again after checking out a consistent version.

Telling what version is the right one

The versions of dependent products for a product you’re building from source are listed in the file $MRB_SOURCE/<product>/ups/product_deps`.

Sometimes you may want to know what the version number is of a product way down on the dependency tree so you can check out its source and edit it. Set up the product in a separate login session:

  source /cvmfs/
  ups active

It usually is a good idea to pipe the output through grep to find a particular product version. You can get dependency information with

  ups depend <product> $DUNELAR_VERSION -q $DUNELAR_QUALIFIER

Note: not all dependencies of dependent products are listed by this command. If a product is already listed, it sometimes is not listed a second time, even if two products in the tree depend on it. Some products are listed multiple times.

There is a script in duneutil called which makes graphical displays of dependency trees.

Inconsistent build directory

The directory $MRB_BUILD contains copies of built code before it gets installed to localProducts. If you change versions of the source or delete things, sometimes the build directory will have clutter in it that has to be removed.

  mrb z

will delete the contents of $MRB_BUILDDIR and you will have to type mrbsetenv again.

  mrb zd

will also delete the contents of localProducts. This can be useful if you are removing code and want to make sure the installed version also has it gone.

Inconsistent environment

When you use UPS’s setup command, a lot of variables get defined. For each product, a variable called <product>_DIR is defined, which points to the location of the version and flavor of the product. UPS has a command “unsetup” which often succeeds in undoing what setup does, but it is not perfect. It is possible to get a polluted environment in which inconsistent versions of packages are set up and it is too hard to repair it one product at a time. Logging out and logging back in again, and setting up the session is often the best way to start fresh.

The setup command is the wrong one

If you have not sourced the DUNE software setup script

  source /cvmfs/

you will find that the setup command that is used instead is one provided by the operating system and it requires root privilege to execute and setup will ask you for the root password. Rather than typing that if you get in this situation, ctrl-c, source the script and try again.

Compiler and linker warnings and errors

Common messages from the g++ compiler are undeclared variables, uninitialized variables, mismatched parentheses or brackets, missing semicolons, checking unsigned variables to see if they are positive (yes, that’s a warning!) and other things. mrb is set up to tell g++ and clang to treat warnings as errors, so they will stop the build and you will have to fix them. Often undeclared variables or methods that aren’t members of a class messages result from having forgotten to include the appropriate include file.

The linker has fewer ways to fail than the compiler. Usually the error message is “Undefined symbol”. The compiler does not emit this message, so you always know this is in the link step. If you have an undefined symbol, one of three things may have gone wrong. 1) You may have mistyped it (usually this gets caught by the compiler because names are defined in header files). More likely, 2) You introduced a new dependency without updating the CMakeLists.txt file. Look in the CMakeLists.txt file that steers the building of the source code that has the problem. Look at other CMakeLists.txt files in other directories for examples of how to refer to libraries. ` MODULE_LIBRARIES are linked with modules in the ART_MAKE blocks, and LIB_LIBRARIES` are linked when building non-module libraries (free-floating source code, for algorithms). 3) You are writing new code and just haven’t gotten around to finishing writing something you called.

Out of disk quota

Do not store data files on the app disk! Sometimes the app disk fills up nonetheless, and there is a quota of 100 GB per user on it. If you need more than that for several builds, you have some options. 1) Use /exp/dune/data/users/<username>. You have a 400 GB quota on this volume. They are slower than the app disk and can get even slower if many users are accessing them simultaneously or transferring large amounts of data to or ofrm them. 3) Clean up some space on app. You may want to tar up an old release and store the tarball on the data volume or in dCache for later use.

Runtime errors

Segmentation faults: These do not throw errors that art can catch. They terminate the program immediately. Use the debugger to find out where they happened and why.

Exceptions that are caught. The ddt debugger has in its menu a set of standard breakpoints. You can instruct the debugger to stop any time an exception is thrown. A common exception is a vector accessed past its size using at(), but often these are hard to track down because they could be anywhere. Start your program with the debugger, but it is often a good idea to turn off the break-on-exception feature until after the geometry has been read in. Some of the XML parsing code throws a lot of exceptions that are later caught as part of its normal mode of operation, and if you hit a breakpoint on each of these and push the “go” button with your mouse each time, you could be there all day. Wait until the initialization is over, press “pause” and then turn on the breakpoints by exception.

If you miss, start the debugging session over again. Starting the session over is also a useful technique when you want to know what happened before a known error condition occurs. You may find yourself asking “how did it get in that condition? Set a breakpoint that’s earlier in the execution and restart the session. Keep backing up – it’s kind of like running the program in reverse, but it’s very slow. Sometimes it’s the only way.

Print statements are also quite useful for rare error conditions. If a piece of code fails infrequently, based on the input data, sometimes a breakpoint is not very useful because most of the time it’s fine and you need to catch the program in the act of misbehaving. Putting in a low-tech print statement, sometimes with a uniquely-identifying string so you can grep the output, can let you put some logic in there to print only when things have gone bad, or even if you print on each iteration, you can just look at the last bit of printout before a crash.

No authentication/permission

You will almost always need to have a valid Kerberos ticket in your session. Accessing your home directory on the Fermilab machines requires it. Find your tickets with the command


By default, they last for 25 hours or so (a bit more than a day). You can refresh them for another 25 hours (up to one week’s worth of refreshes are allowed) with

  kinit -R

If you have a valid ticket on one machine and want to refresh tickets on another, you can

k5push <nodename>

The safest way to get a new ticket to a machine is to kinit on your local computer (like your laptop) and log in again, making sure to forward all tickets. In a pinch, you can run kinit on a dunegpvm and enter your Kerberos password, but this is discouraged as bad actors can (and have!) installed keyloggers on shared systems, and have stolen passwords. DO NOT KEEP PRIVATE, PERSONAL INFORMATION ON FERMILAB COMPUTERS! Things like bank account numbers, passwords, and social security numbers are definitely not to be stored on public, shared computers. Running kinit -R on a shared machine is fine.

You will need a grid proxy to submit jobs and access data in dCache via xrootd or ifdh.


will use your valid Kerberos ticket to generate the necessary certificates and proxies.

Key Points