This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Computing Basics for DUNE - Late 2024 edition: Basic Computer Setup

0. Back up your machine

We are going to be messing with your operating system at some level so it is extremely wise to do a complete backup of your machine to an external drive right now.

Also turn off automatic updates. Operating system updates can mess with your setup. Generally, back up before doing updates so you can revert if necessary.

1. Open a unix terminal window

First figure out how to open a terminal on your system. The Carpentries Shell Training has a section that explains this

This should be easy on Linux and MacOS but a bit more complicated in Windows.

On Linux use xterm, on MacOS go to Utilities and start a Terminal.

On Windows it’s a bit more complicated as the underlying operating system is not a unix variant.

We suggest using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). That page has download instructions.

2. Learn how to use the Unix Shell

There is a nice tutorial from the Carpentries at: Unix Shell Basics.

It tells you how to start a terminal session in Windows, Mac OSX and Unix systems.

Please do that unix shell tutorial to learn about the basic command line.

3. Install an x-windows emulator


MacOS has a Terminal app in Utilities

but you need to install XQuartz

test it out by typing

xterm &

You should get a terminal window. You can close it.


Should already have a terminal

test by doing

xterm &


See the information about Windows terminal connections.


You should now be ready to go for the (/computing-basics/setup.html)

Extra - Get a compiler/code editor

Although you will mainly be using python to code to begin with, most HEP code is actually C++ and it is good to have access to a C++ compiler. Bonus is that you normally get a good editor as well.


Compiler/editor: On OSX, you should install Xcode from the App store. It will take a lot of disk space. When you try to use it it will ask you to install command line tools. Do so.

Compiler/editor: Even though Xcode is what you use to compile and has an editor, many people prefer to use the Visual Studio Code application from Microsoft for editing/testing code.

You can also use vim or emacs if you are old school.



Likely you should load up the full Visual Studio as it has a nice C++ compiler

HSF Training Center

Unix Shell Basics


Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio

GNU gcc



Windows Subsystem for Linux