This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Computing Basics for DUNE - Late 2024 edition: Example AL9 setup for a new session

You can store the code below as and run it every time you log in.

Note - the full LArSoft suite doesn’t work yet with spack

Use the Apptainer/sl7 method until we get that working if you want to use the full DUNE software suite.

# use spack to get applications
source /cvmfs/ 

# load metacat, rucio and sam and tell it you are on dune
spack load r-m-dd-config  experiment=dune
spack load kx509
export IFDH_CP_MAXRETRIES=0\0\0\0\0  # no retries

# access some disks
export DUNEDATA=/exp/dune/data/users/$USER
export DUNEAPP=/exp/dune/app/users/$USER
export PERSISTENT=/pnfs/dune/persistent/users/$USER
export SCRATCH=/pnfs/dune/scratch/users/$USER

# do some authentication

export EXPERIMENT=dune
export ROLE=Analysis
voms-proxy-init -rfc -noregen -voms dune:/dune/Role=$ROLE -valid 24:00
export X509_USER_PROXY=/tmp/x509up_u`id -u`

htgettoken -i dune --vaultserver

export BEARER_TOKEN_FILE=/run/user/`id -u`/bt_u`id -u`

setup specific versions of code here

spack load root@6.28.12  # recent with xrootd
spack load gcc@12.2.0
spack load fife-utils@3.7.4