MaCh3 DUNE 1.0.0
Reference Guide
Now setup some dependencies and then actually build MaCh3_DUNE
Optional flags are described briefly below, options are shown grouped by square brackets and delimited by vertical lines. Default is on the left.
A few notes: CUDA_SAMPLES not necessary if using CPU_ONLY=ON
If you want to simultaneously develop both the MaCh3 core code and the MaCh3 DUNE code then you can build against a local version of MaCh3 by adding:
This will overrule the CPMFindPackage command in the CMakeList.txt and will tell CPM to build that instead.
Once you've got setup you'll then need to setup some symlinks to point to your MC and spline files. You can do this by modifying scripts/ script. You'll need to change the FILESDIR variable to point to the relevant folder on your machine. The places these files currently live are listed here:
Imperial College London lx:
FNAL cluster:
ComputeCanada Cedar:
NERSC Perlmutter:
Current (Feburary 2024) FD event rates using DUNE FD TDR inputs are below (ND is still under-development). These are made using xsec systematics at their prior central value. Oscillation parameter values used here are:
sin2th12 = 0.307
sin2th23 = 0.52
sin2th13 = 0.0218
dm2_32 = 7.53E-5 eV^2
dm2_12 = 2.509E-3 eV^2
dCP = -1.601 radians