Sam to Metacat Conversion guide

This document includes examples of sam queries gathered from DUNE Dataset definitions and their metacat translations

Get metacat started

First find the documentation:

metacat is a ups product so you can get it by

source /cvmfs/
setup python v3_9_2  # this avoids system python which may be very old
setup metacat

but you can also do a local install using:

Make certain you can point to the metacat server:


Then authenticate to metacat:

metacat auth login -m password $USER
User:    schellma
Expires: Thu Oct 13 16:27:29 2022

Note: you can also authenticate via other methods, for example

export X509_USER_PROXY=/tmp/x509up_u$(id -u)
export X509_USER_KEY=$X509_USER_PROXY
metacat auth login -m x509 $USER


If you are not on a Fermilab machine you may need to add your local credentials to the list of DN’s and explicitly tell metacat your FNAL user id.

do this

metacat auth mydn
  1. Log in to MetaCat GUI using services password

  2. Go to your user profile<yourFNALusername>

  3. Copy-paste the output from “metacat auth mydn” into blank text box in front of Add button

  4. Click Add


metacat auth login -m x509 <yourFNALusername>

Example: Get the raw data from given protodune-sp detector runs

  • samweb

    samweb list-files "file_type detector and run_type 'protodune-sp'\
     and data_tier raw and data_stream physics and run_number 5141,5143"

    add –summary if you wish to know how many files there are.

  • metacat

    metacat query "files from dune:all where core.file_type=detector \
     and core.run_type='protodune-sp' and core.data_tier=raw \
     and core.data_stream=physics and core.runs[any] in (5141,5143)"

    add –summary after query if you want just the # of files


    • many of the metadata values are now in categories like `core`

    • things run faster if you ask for files from a known dataset like `dune:all`

    • core.runs[any] means check any of the runs associated with the file for being 5141

    • core.runs[any] in (5141, 5142, 5147) - any of these 3 runs

    • core.runs[any] = 5141- single run, equivalent: 5141 in core.runs

    • you can ask for multiple runs by using the `in (X,Y)` syntax

Example: Save a dataset or definition query

If you are interested in everything physics from protodune-sp, you might want to save a generic dataset or query which you can then reuse in further filtered queries. Then as you narrow thing down you can build additional datasets.

  • samweb

    in sam you save a definition, which is the query

    samweb create-definition schellma-protodune-sp-physics-generic \
    "file_type detector and run_type 'protodune-sp' and data_stream physics" `

    You can then ask for:

    samweb list-files "defname:schellma-protodune-sp-physics-generic \
     and data_tier raw and run_number 5141" --summary

    Note: a sam definition is a query, not a list of files and can change, for example if more data are added. You need to make a `snapshot` to make a list that does not change.

    Another note: sam also prepends the user name to the definition so that you can’t mess up official queries. This is handled in metacat by the introduction of namespaces.

  • metacat

    To run a MQL query and create a new dataset with the query results:

    metacat dataset create -f "files from dune:all where \
    ..." <dataset_namespace>:<dataset_name>
    metacat dataset create -f @file_with_mql_query.txt \
    <dataset_namespace>:<dataset_name> <dataset description>

    To run a query and add matching files to an existing dataset:

    metacat dataset add-files -q "files from dune:all where ..." <dataset_namespace>:<dataset_name>
    metacat dataset add-files -q @file_with_mql_query.txt <dataset_namespace>:<dataset_name>

    check it by querying the files in the dataset

    metacat query -s "files from schellma:protodune-sp-physics-generic"
    metacat dataset show schellma:protodune-sp-physics-generic
    children                 :
    created_timestamp        : 2022-10-08 11:41:54
    creator                  : schellma
    description              : files from dune:all where core.file_type=detector and core.run_type='protodune-sp' and core.data_stream=physics
    file_count               : 772631
    file_meta_requirements   : {}
    frozen                   : False
    metadata                 : {}
    monotonic                : False
    name                     : protodune-sp-physics-generic
    namespace                : schellma
    parents                  :

    You can then ask for the subset from a particular data tier and run number.

    metacat query "files from schellma:protodune-sp-physics-generic \
    where core.runs[all]=5141 and core.data_tier=raw"

Find only the files not processed with a version of code

  • samweb

    samweb list-files "defname:schellma-protodune-sp-physics-generic \
     and data_tier raw and run_number 5141 minus \
      and data_tier 'full-reconstructed'  and run_number 5141 and version v08_27_% )" --summary
    File count: 12
    Total size: 95354212618
    Event count:        1241
  • metacat

    metacat query -s "files from schellma:protodune-sp-physics-generic \
    where core.data_tier=raw and 5141 in core.runs -  parents(files \
    from schellma:protodune-sp-physics-generic where 5141 in core.runs \
    and core.data_tier='full-reconstructed' and core.application.version~'v08_27_.*')"
    12 files