Incomplete list of keys used
Minimal terms for raw data¶
[] denotes fields automatically filled in by the system
- name
File name
- namespace
Metacat namespace for file
- checksums
dictionary of checksums - adler32 is the default
- [created_timestamp]
Unix timestamp for when file was cataloged
- creator
account that created the file
- size
size in bytes
- [fid]
hash-name for the file - equivalent to namespace:name
- [retired]
has this file been retired?
- [retired_by]
who did it?
- [retired_timestamp]
when was it retired
- [updated_by]
who has updated this catalog entry?
- [updated_timestamp]
when did they do it?
- parents
[The files that this file was produced from, you need to declare parents when making child files]
- [children]
[list of files that are derived from this file - autogenerated when you declare the child as having parents]
- metadata
description of file contents with this content
- core.data_stream
type of data taking (commissioning, calibration, test, physics, cosmics)
- core.data_tier
type of data (raw, g4, )
- core.end_time
unix UTC time at which the process that created the file ended -
- core.event_count
number of events in the file
[list of events in the file],
- core.file_content_status
status of the file - default is “good”
- core.file_format
format of the data (hdf5, root)
- core.file_type
flag to tell mc from data, (detector or mc)
- core.first_event_number
first event number
- core.last_event_number
last event number
- core.run_type
which detector took the data “protodune-sp, hd-fardet …”
- core.runs
[list of runs]
- core.runs_subruns
[list of subruns in run*100000+subrun format]
- core.start_time
unix UTC time at which the process that created the file started
- retention.status
should be “active” flag to tell if the file is being used and should be retained
- retention.class
flag used to determine retention status (physics, test, …)
Additional terms used for reconstruction and simulation¶
- dune.campaign
A big scale activity used for production - examples are PDSPProd4a and fd_mc_2023a_reco2
- dune.requestid
The formal request id for the campaign in the system
- dune.config_file
The top level configuration used to produce this file
- dune.workflow
a description of the workflow that produced this file - produced by the JustIn system
- dune.output_status
the value should be “confirmed” - this tells you that the output exists
broad description of the application (art/edepsim)
the specific application, reco1/reco2/detsim…
- core.application.version
the DUNESW version
Minimal Monte Carlo terms¶
Should be dune or a physics group
- dune_mc.gen_fcl_filename
tells you the generator fcl file so you know what kind of mc it is.
- dune_mc.geometry_version
the geometry version used
- dune_mc.generators
MC terms specific to particular detectors¶
- dune_mc.electron_lifetime
PD/FD - electron lifetime
- dune_mc.space_charge
PD/FD - space charge
- dune_mc.with_cosmics
PD/FD - cosmics as well as beam
- Beam.momentum
PD/FD - beam momentum in GeV/c
- Beam.polarity
PD/FD - polarity of beam
there may be others in future.